yes what is the meaning of life? why are we here? If the answer lies in religion why is it so difficult to say make a correct understanding of say the bible which i find is full of symbolisms and prophecys etc. And then someone always comes along with there interpretation of it and then is there understanding correct and to back up there interpretation the say there blessed by god huh??? Then i wonder about evolution are they right or are they just another religion you see when they we came from a big bang it puzzles me why because look at how well organized everything is like the positions of the planets,balanced elements,the sun,everything seems to have been designed then you may think is there a god and if there is why so much suffering on earth,why do we have to die lose loved ones see war and terrorism,false religion,murderers etc i could go on and on. and the question is do i have the answer well i dont know really im still looking i hope a may have the answer one day.
master chief ponders over the meaning of life??
by master chief 4 Replies latest jw friends
Master Chief,
Do you recall the children's story about the five blind men that were trying to describe an elephant. Depending upon what part of the anatomy they touched determined how they percieved the whole animal. Reality is not unlike this simple story. When we are exposed to one culture, one religion, one cosmological paradigm, we try to make everything fit that limited vision. Hence, each culture, religion or world view is seen as the all-encompasing reality, when in fact, it is more likely only one facet of the jewel. One needs to step back and gain some perspective on what the other facets are all about. Invariably one who does this will begin to shed some of the ideas of uniqueness, exclusivity and superiority they once harbored.
I strongly suggest you expand you reading and life experiances and see in a couple of years how much your assumptions have been challanged and with each succeeding year how much you will feel appreciative of the other world views.
I wish you well in your search for answers.
Hi MC,
There are no answers to the questions you submitted, only opinions. Your opinion is as good as anyone else's. Usually those who have some revelation from God are nut cases with no proof other than their imagination. Welcome to life.
Ken P.
Fair winds and following seas. Haze gray and underway what have you done for the fleet today. That life has a meaning all its own so pick the meaning you want.
Meaning of Life?
a. Four day port a call in Pataya Beach Thailand
b. 2 weeks recoup in Subic Bay Philippines
c. Beach and beer seychelles islands
d. 1 week R&R Bangkok
1 week R&R Sydney AustraliaOh yessssss life did have a new meaning.