If J R Brown became the next WT Dictator, say in the similar manner as the J F Rutherford did.
That is by careful legal maneuvers and key placement of men that will support you.
How would the Wt rewrite their history making it look like the struggle JR Brown had to get there had Jehovah’s backing.
Any who would oppose him would be painted in the Wt as wicked, deceitful men and kicked out side of Jehovah’s organization.
It’s funny to read the WT slanted take on history that makes them always come out on top as the good guys and any who don’t go along with the Organization as the wicked ones agents.
Any what caused me to think of this were the similarities in the names and professions of JFR and JRB.
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?