I am relatively new to this site, so I don't know the tone of the discussion, but the links to Jehovah's Witnesses-related sites on this site is 100% apostate. If this is an "apostate" site, that that is understandable. If this isn't, but it is Jehovah's Witnesses-oriented site, then that is not desirable. If this attempts to stradle both sides of the issue, or be neutral, then a links section with 100% or more than 30% strictly apostate sites, most of which were posted by two users, isn't neutral or ethical. It gives a misimpression from one negative viewpoint of Jehovah's Witnesses.
So, depending on the position that this site is trying to take, I would recommend not allowing any one user to contribute more than 3 links on the Jehovah's Witnesses links page, and not allow socketpuppetry either, that is a user using multiple names.