I wanted to reply on his post but I can't so here is my reply.
Face reality ELPIRO.As long as there are despicable persons like Hilter,Stalin,etc.
We need a well equipt army to defeat scum like that.I am very thankful for the brave soldiers who did just that.
Otherwise ELPIRO you and I would not have the freedom we do today.Your 100 plus years of preaching has not brought that freedom.We need to face reality that we still have dictators today and that we need the army.
ELPIRO did you know that Stalin said "Religion needed to be removed under communist society"And that the Orthodox church suffered greatly.Tens of thousands of priests,monks and nuns were persecuted and killed,over 100,000 were shot during the purge.
ELPIRO are you not happy that the USA won the cold war.Elpiro do you think they would of won the cold war W/O an army.Are you not happy for the freedom that the Russians have today.Just think even your religion can now fight them in the courts today.Do you think they could under communist rule?