And why do we need to be ambassadors to Jesus if he was still alive? If I was in the position Jesus claims to be in, I would have corrected the organization immediately--when they claim that the average publisher needs 60 hours, I would immediately tell them (right in front of the congregation) that 60 hours is unreasonable for most people. And, there would be no pioneers--or pio-sneers.
Also, as a perfect angel with absolute authority, why not do most of the work yourself? If I was in that position, I wouldn't need people going from door to door at great personal hardship to spread a message. I could have had the Internet up and running within a year, using the same miracles that were supposedly used in Jesus' time, and get it so everyone on the planet would have open access to it. Therein, the message would pop up on their home page, with links to study. The home page would be designed to interest people, and the deeper they got into it, the more sense it would make. It would be miserably difficult for apostates to find holes in the doctrine. And, all "honest hearted" people would be able to access it quickly. People that were not interested could opt for a different home page or navigate away from that page without too much effort. The work would be done within a year, and I could have easily made the 1920 deadline for Armageddon starting from 1918.
Now, where do you see any of those trends? Do you see miracles that do most of the preaching work themselves? (Including to remote areas where that would be the only way to reach people at all.) No. The witlesses are told that, unless they preach, the stones will. When is the last time you saw a stone (not a fake one with a speaker hidden in it) preach? When have you seen widespread examples of where people that made great sacrifices are actually taken care of? Or, do most of them end up destitute when they are 65 or so? And, what about the safety issue? Many witlesses are attacked by dogs, get into accidents, or run into other dangerous situations while preaching. If Jesus really wanted it done that way, then why doesn't he protect those people from such perils?
So, Jehovah is testing people. Well, it's an EMERGENCY! So, why is testing people more important than getting the work done quickly? If people have to get up at 5:30 in the morning, they need to pio-sneer to finish the work, if lives are threatened, if they need to live in severe hardship, then it would make sense that Jehovah should sacrifice these tests in order to speed up the work more. I believe that the work would be done more quickly if Jehovah would quit testing people and work with them, and they were putting in 10 hours a month, than if that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag keeps insisting on testing (hence, slowing down) people and they are all putting 200 hours a month under extreme hardship.
Certainly, this is plenty of proof that Jesus is not alive (or that Jehovah is maliciously doing all he can to keep us living under hardship, which he keeps promising to deliver us from but never does).