Shots fired at Kingdom Hall!

by nicolaou 4 Replies latest social current

  • nicolaou
    WEST ST. PAUL: Shots fired at Jehovah's Witnesses hall

    West St. Paul police are looking for suspects who shot three holes into windows at a Jehovah's Witnesses hall last week.
    People in the building heard shots about 8:30 p.m. Wednesday and saw a midsize newer car with a rounded body speed away, West St. Paul police chief Terry Cook said.

    Three holes, believed to be from BB pellets, were found in two hall's windows. None of the holes went through more than one pane of glass.

    -- Tammy J. Oseid

    original article:

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    ``Holes shot into windows?'' A Kingdom Hall with windows is a rarity these days; most look like lock-downs or small warehouses. It must be an older model, constructed in the pre-paranoia years.

  • patio34

    Room 215, my reaction was the same: kingdum halls don't have windows! However, the older ones do sometimes.

    WTBS: Quit peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
  • JBean

    Don't know about this story... but noooooo, Room 215, ALL quick builds now have LOTS of windows, very large ones sometimes. The Halls may have gone through a period where they were built without many windows, but being a JW all my life (and travelling to MANY different Halls), I've NEVER been inside one that didn't have windows...(except for that really small one in Chinatown once!) : )

  • avengers

    This happened way back. Old news.

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