In Brazil, no religion is above the law, by Fátima Oliveira

by dgp 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • dgp

    I found this link on Freeminds, read it, liked it, and now I'm sharing it here with JWN. The article is about Sebastiao Ramos and his campaign in Brazil. It was published in a Brazilian newspaper, in Portuguese, of course. Here is my translation. In case anyone wants to check the translation, you can follow the link below, or read the original text right here on this post.

    The article is by journalist Fátima Oliveira.

    I think this article is interesting because it shows that it is easy for worldlies to see a very good reason why shunning violates human rights. Which means it is very easy to garner support for this campaign, provided the matters are presented in a good way. It was enough for this journalist to know that the honor and the publid image of a person is damaged just because he or she chooses to leave the religion.

    I also find it interesting because you can see that the person has no bias against the Watchtower. Her attitude is strictly secular.

    Here is the article, then:

    A note: In Brazil, no religion is above the law.

    Scribbling my notes for O TEMPO (The Times) is gratifying, not just because I love writing and I have a thing for writing memories -as a little girl, listening to stories at night was such a big thing for me - but because of the interaction it brings. On May 4 I published "The richness of diversity in the experiences of the sacred", and last 6 a reader from Fortaleza wrote to me to discuss a highly topical conflict.

    "My name is Sebastião Ramos. I'm the person behind a pioneering suit in Brazil, against atypical religious discrimination, which suit the Office of the Public Prosecutor of the State of Ceará admitted in August 2009: disfellowshipment of the church of Jehovah's witnesses, which is a sort of excommunication applied against young people, men, women and even the elderly, in Brazil and around the world. Whoever is disfellowshipped, or asks for dissasociation, is socially isolated (...) In April this year, the Office of the Public Prosecutor took the case to the Ministry of Justice and filed a religious discrimination suit against the two ministers who disfellowshipped me".

    In another e-mail I received complementary information. "DISFELLOWSHIPMENT" happens when a member is forced out because of a sin (or because of disagreement with the teachings of Jehovah's witnesses). "DISASSOCIATION" happens when a member exercises the right to choose a different religion. In both cases, if the person who is out has love ties with other people who are Jehovah's witnesses, blood relatives or not, the person is treated as if he or she didn't exist or had never existed". Is the aim to cause social death? Worse: the aim is a reduction to nothingness, damages against the person's honor and public image.

    This phenomenon is so big that an entire forum for former Jehovah's witnesses was created! Many people still mistake Second Adventists and Jehovah's witnesses. During long years, I myself couldn't tell who was who. But, before I proceed, I would like to point out that I don't want to go into the discussion of what thing is a church and what a cult. That is useless, as having a religion, or none, is a constitutional right in Brazil. That is why any group of people who come together, have a deist faith and call themselves a church must be respected by us as such, whether they call themselves Watchtower candomblé, umbanda, et cetera. Moved by Sebastião's e-mail, I thought about what I knew about Jehovah's witnesses..

    In my experience in an emergency room, it's not infrequently that the decision about a blood transfusion is taken to the authorities by those against them. I treat every Jehovah's witness with respect and, what's more, in compliance with our laws, I defer to the authorities for a decision on this matter, which authorities, by the way, never ever chose not to authorize the administration of blood for medical reasons. I went back in time to when I was a little girl and heard people say "those women believers who wear those clothes" or "those men in black suits, who are not freemasons, however", them went from door to door selling books. I even bought a few about natural medicine myself. If anything, what I admire in evangelicals is how well they groom themselves, their air of dignity in getting dressed up to attend their meetings.

    However, I must not remain silent regarding what is configured as religious discrimination: the damages that any church might cause to a person's honor and public image. Association with a religious denomination is for every person to choose - an act of personal autonomy, which is applicable for joining the religion as much as it is for leaving it. Those churches that think otherwise: know that you are subject to the law if you're in Brazilian territory. No tears, no candles, let alone yellow ribbons with the name of the deceased on it, please! Things being this way, no religion is above the law in Brazil. Then, I cannot remain silent when the various experiences of the sacred discriminate against people. We cannot be accomodating with such insane practices against citizens.

    The original Portuguese:

    Um lembrete: no Brasil, nenhuma religião se encontra acima da lei

    Ser escrevinhadora de O TEMPO é gratificante não só porque amo escrever e tenho pendores de memorialista - quando criança, ouvir histórias à noite era um programão -, mas pela interação. Em 4 de maio, publiquei "A riqueza da diversidade na experiência do sagrado" e, no último dia 6, um leitor de Fortaleza (CE) escreveu-me sobre a atualidade do tema para um conflito que vive.

    "Meu nome é Sebastião Ramos. Sou autor de uma denúncia pioneira no Brasil, contra uma discriminação religiosa atípica, aceita pelo Ministério Público do Ceará, desde agosto de 2009 - a desassociação da Igreja Testemunhas de Jeová: uma espécie de excomunhão aplicada contra jovens, homens, mulheres e até pessoas idosas no Brasil e no mundo inteiro. A pessoa que passa pela desassociação, ou pede para sair, é isolada socialmente (...). Em abril deste ano, o Ministério Público denunciou à Justiça, por discriminação religiosa, os dois pastores que me desassociaram da referida religião".

    Em outro e-mail, recebi informações complementares: "DESASSOCIAÇÃO ocorre quando um membro é expulso por cometer um pecado (ou discordar do que é ensinado pelas Testemunhas de Jeová); e DISSOCIAÇÃO acontece quando um membro exerce seu direito de escolher outra religião. Em ambas, as pessoas com quem a afastada possui laços afetivos, se são testemunhas de Jeová, sejam da família ou não, passam a tratá-la como se ela não existisse ou nunca tivesse existido". A tentativa é produzir uma morte social? É pior, é redução a nada: um dano à honra e à imagem.

    O fenômeno é tamanho que foi criado o Fórum das Ex-Testemunhas de Jeová! Muita gente confunde a Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia com Testemunhas de Jeová. Durante anos e anos, eu não sabia diferenciar uma da outra. Antes, pontuo que não entro na polêmica de quem é igreja ou seita. É inútil, pois ter ou não ter uma religião é um direito constitucional no Brasil. Logo, devemos respeitar como religião qualquer ajuntamento de pessoas que professa uma fé deísta e se diga Igreja, Torre da Vigia, candomblé, umbanda etc. Instigada pelo e-mail do Sebastião, rememorei o que sabia sobre a religião Testemunhas de Jeová.

    Em minha vivência em pronto-socorro, não é incomum encaminhar para a Justiça decidir sobre transfusão de sangue, que são contra. Tenho deferência pela autonomia de cada testemunha de Jeová, todavia, em cumprimento às leis do nosso país, entrego a decisão nas mãos da Justiça, que jamais deixou de autorizar ministração de sangue sob prescrição médica. Voltei no tempo. Era menina e ouvia o povo dizer: "Aquelas crentes das rouponas" ou "aqueles homens de terno preto, sem ser maçom", que batiam de porta em porta vendendo livros. Até já comprei uns sobre medicina natural. Se há uma coisa que admiro nos evangélicos é o trato com aparência: o ar de dignidade com que se vestem para os cultos.

    No entanto, não silencio sobre o que se configura como discriminação religiosa: danos à honra e à imagem de uma pessoa por qualquer religião. A associação a uma denominação religiosa é livre - um ato de autonomia da pessoa, que vale para entrar e para sair. Às religiões que não pensam assim: saibam que em território brasileiro estão sujeitas ao cumprimento da lei, sem choro, sem vela e muito menos fita amarela! Assim sendo, nenhuma religião no Brasil está acima da lei. Então, não dá para calar quando experiências do sagrado cometem discriminações. Não podemos contemporizar com tais práticas insanas contra a cidadania.

  • dgp

    I may also add this link:

    This is the website of an agency of the Brazilian government, the "Reference Center for Promotion and Defense of Human Rights for Religious Diversity". That is to say, Brazilian public officials are convinced that shunning is religious discrimination.

    No translation this time because I am tired and need sleep.

  • DanaBug

    Thanks, dgp! Interesting he filed against the elders, not the WTBTS or branch. I know legally elders are on their own, but it just occured to me: maybe if things got more litigious (sp?) elders would be afraid to df or risk getting sued. Hmm..

  • Curtains


    this sentence sums up the experience of disfellowshipping and I am so glad the reporter emphasized this important point

    In both cases, if the person who is out has love ties with other people who are Jehovah's witnesses, blood relatives or not, the person is treated as if he or she didn't exist or had never existed". Is the aim to cause social death? Worse: the aim is a reduction to nothingness, damages against the person's honor and public image.
  • dgp

    I want to be the first to recognize a mistake I made in the translation. I translated "seita" as "cult". "Seita" means "sect". There's a world of difference, because a "sect" is not necessarily a "cult".

    You're welcome, DanaBug and Curtains.

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