Just a thought!
After everything we were taught where is the evidence? Heaven, hell, reincarnation, universal energy or all of them?
Always seemed to me that if we were looked down on in our small solar system on our small planet by the rest of the universe and they saw millions of ants running around busy as that it would be unimportant in the scale of the huge universe.
Yet we were taught that as the test planet for God's wondrous plan that it was up to us to solve the eternal question of life!! I now think that we are really not that important in the big scheme of things so that begs the question of what happens after.
I'm not really much of a scholar at all and to be fair use to day dream as I was growing up in the meetings but as you get older you begin to wonder what's next?
In Australasia there was a well known medium touring so my wife and I got tickets. After talking to a few folks and feeling their energy I suppose he scanned the audience and low and behold his eyes settled on me - yes you in the jacket trying to melt in the chair!! He spoke to me about people that he could see around me, a couple of close friends that had passed but he said there is an older man { my Dad ) way in the background not wanting to come forward as it were. He is holding all these books and saying - no this is not right I shouldn't be here. ( He was a great studier of religion and the 'truth' ). Anyways he had a couple of messages for me and then left.
On the drive home I was very quiet and not really sure how to process it all. Of course with my indoctrination it was hard to reconcile but over time it got me to thinking. How do we really know what happens? I mentioned this to my dub sis and naturally it was the demons. But really? It's so easy to say that.
I'm not hung up on any 'right' way anymore and will find out when the time comes either way but when I read the numerous topics on this fantastic site I realise that we just don't know and we shouldn't have to feel responsible either way. Cheers