The more you study at the university, the more you will realize that the Big A isn't coming. Keep it up. Remember this - the impressions that the watchtower made on you when you were so young were strong cult-oriented indocrtination methods. They were designed to instill fear into your impressionable mind.
The WT's deep unspoken hope is that you will give them a little time out of your day - all throughout your life - until one day -you're an old man or woman.
Even just a passing thought, makes them think they had a viable meaning to you. But the irony is, most of the world still has never heard of JWs nor the Watchtower. They've got claim to the most published magazine and one of the most published books in the world (the truth book), yet travel to the middle east or India and many other parts of Asia (China anyone?) and even South America - you'll be lucky to run into anyone that has any idea of this 'Made in America' Christian sect.
You can take heart by looking though these forums for a bit. There are many that have came here and moved on. If JW related thoughts come up in their mind, it's very rare. And even many more that have truly moved on, without ever even coming here. So don't let the WT waste your precious study time at school. Go on - make yourself into a more educated individual that creates a great happy life for yourself. That will damage the WT more than any lawsuit. Because they say leaving them will only result in a wretched, hopeless life. No matter how young or old you are now. Every day, from here on out, is a chance to prove them wrong.