the criminal truth...

by varian 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • varian

    ...about the religion of peace. something you wont hear in the mainstream press:

  • livingdeadgirl

    Wow. I realize that's inadequate but wow. What are we doing? Why are we tolerating this anymore? Is "respecting religion" really an excuse that we can still use? Should we be?

  • wobble

    I like Pat Condell, and find I am often agreeing with what he says , I am very much a believer in free speech, unless it is hate speech, but the freedom to speak out against what offends our culture needs to be protected.

    As Pat says, that freedom is as important to our culture as the Holy Qur'an is to followers of Islam, they would not put up with our modifying the Qur'an , so we should not put up with those who wish to infringe on our freedoms.

    I am in no way anti-Islam, rather the opposite, but I am anti ignorance and anti any assault on the individual to do them physical harm, nothing can justify rape at any time or in any circumstances, and so called "honour killings" are just plain animalistic.

    We in the West should no longer pussy-foot around these issues, we need to be as forthright as Pat Condell, I wish his stuff would reach a wider audience.

  • ssn587

    Me thinks Pat Condell is absolutely right, letting them come into your country whole sale is beyond stupid, they aren't the religion of peace and they never have been. to believe otherwise IMO of course is silly. When the Muslims get around to denouncing murder, disfiguration of others, the wanting to kill the infidel etc. then those of us who disbelieve their peace nosense may get a different idea. Of course not all muslims are radical, but how does one differinate between them?

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