OK you're God...you have no beginning and no end got it...then one day you decide to create the physical universe **for what ever reason** any hoo there it is...how it came to be is a subject for another thread...
Now you create galaxies and I mean BILLIONS of galaxies and each galaxy has BILLIONS of stars with many BILLIONS of planets...Let's just say a small fraction of those planets could support life like our Earth...now how many do we have let's be conservative say out of the BILLIONS of galaxies and multi BILLIONS of stars and untold BILLIONS of planets you chose THIS ONE (earth) to take your stand...
I mean this one this little earth in a little galaxy in a "needle in the haystack" part of the universe to PROCLAIM YOUR SOVEREIGNTY you send your only begotten SON to this speck of dust in the universe to take your stand...
Now the question I have is why can't I get a decent latte...