If someone told you directly to hate something, would you do it?
Probably not, because you don't want to be told how to think. You also have the sense to recognize that the person may not be working with a full deck.
So how do we gain our prejudices? This is not a racial subject. I mean the prejudices we have toward differences of opinion or foreign ideas.
We get prejudices through the consistency of message. If we constantly see something we don't initially agree with, we become accustomed to the thought and it becomes apart of us. Repitition is a powerful mind molder.
This means anything that is apart of our lives over time can become apart of our prejudices.
This is why the influences we grow up around become apart of us and, if we are aware of it, becomes what we fight against for the rest of our lives.
For me, I fight against a constant presence of Jehovah's Witness programming.
Even though I haven't seen a Kingdom Hall in almost 3 years, I struggle like its yesterday because I have family that attend and believe. Every contact with them reminds me of how they view their little silly misguided family member, although their speech "seems" encouraging.
Again this is why I reiterate that prejudice is not taught by speech. It’s taught by spirit.
This is the reason that prejudice doesn't go away when you no longer hear it every day.
This is also why it becomes difficult to present ideas to someone who has a society-driven-opinion of disfellowshipped/disassocicated people.
They may not agree with certain policies and voice that opinion but when it comes down to listening and critically understanding a certain point of view, the prejudice rears its head.
Your examples and proofs get filtered through this process to become some sort of mental issue. Which results in a patronizing tone as you share what is in you heart. Only to be met with a tacit show of support for your "issues". When in the end, the only thing in their head is "everything will be OK if you only get your ass back in the Kingdom Hall".
This is what burns me the most!
Of course this issue is not only related to former witnesses but this is the most prevalent in my life now.