Special Day Assembly + Updates Regarding Ft. Lauderdale Assembly Hall

by pubtruth 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • pubtruth

    Just want to tell everyone whos not in the program for 2011's Special Day Assembly, which I had this weekend. (Some titles may not be accurate since I'm translating from a Spanish program slip)

    "Take Refuge in Jehovah" Ps. 118:8,9


    9.40 Musical Prelude
    9.50 Song 49 and Prayer
    10.00 Why do you we need a refuge?
    10.15 How Jehovah is our strength in times of anguish
    10.30 Lets help our neighbor take refuge under the wings of Jehovah
    10.55 Song 68 and Announcements
    11.05 Lets Imitate Jehovah, being a refuge for the rest
    11.35 Dedication and Baptismal
    12:05 Song 7


    1.20 Music
    1.30 Song 23
    1.35 Experiences (Old guy who got baptized and is going to aux pio for 30hrs)
    1.45 Watchtower Summary
    2.15 Youth, deposit your trust in Jehovah (I see double entendre)
    2.30 Is your home the "port of your delight?"
    2.45 Song 69 and Announcements (Attendance, Finance Report)
    2.55 Our Spiritual Paradise, The refuge Jehovah provides
    3.55 Song 121, Concluding Prayer

    Regarding the assembly hall, our Special day was held there, and during the announcements it was said that we should treat it well as it's our last time we are going to meet there. (shortly after that someone threw a bag of idk what down the balcony into the seating area, almost hitting someone. HAHA! You could see some attendants going crazy) Obviously it has not been sold yet, and the rumors have quieted down, it's still on the WT chopping block. The elder didnt get off the stage without telling everyone "Make your checks payable to Circuit XXXX" (Not revealing for fear of possibly getting revealed myself)

    At the start of the assembly the circuit bank account had a "whopping" $500 (collective gasp), add 2 announced donations of $100 each, left them with $700 spendable cash pre-donations. Cost of assembly around $5,000 or so (just one day) Why did they decide to hold all the Special Day Assemblies there beats me.. Could have shut the place down until a sale finalized..

  • FreeAtLast1914

    You must have had one of those bargain assemblies. The last time I was at one, five or so years ago, it was $6k for a single day. I always wondered how they come up with those numbers. I doubt it's random, but I also doubt it is only to "cover" costs.

  • unshackled
    10.30 Lets help our neighbor take refuge under the wings of Jehovah

    When did jehovah get wings? (Maybe they're trying to lure Always as a sponsor...)

  • moshe

    help your neighbor? ha! I had a JW family living in a rented house ( for one year) on my street and they didn't even bother working their own neighborhood- it was worked by other JWs. I have a feeling JWs don't want to advertise their presence to everyone on the block- they like to lay low, home school their kids and keep quiet about their religion.

  • pubtruth

    @Unshackled: HAHA I thought the same thing! They get kookier by the minute.

    Someone posted a while back the formula to figure the cost of an assembly out.. Not sure if it was the real deal, or something made up.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Man-oh-man. I was at that Assembly Hall after Hurricane Andrew in 1992. It was such a beautiful place. I was with a group of volunteers who rolled out sleeping bags and slept on the floor there and went out every morning to Florida City to repair roofs. I remember the huge carvings on the walls.

    As fond as those memories are, I would rather have heard that protesters were burning it to the ground instead of WT selling it.

  • pubtruth

    Some pictures:

    Entrance http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=hrdkr4&s=7

    Walls (well one of them, bottom cropped for obvious reasons)


  • OnTheWayOut

    Hey, Scientology's place is in Clearwater, FL. Maybe they are in need of a place on the right coast.

  • WTWizard

    For sure, I am not making donations--I like that they are so nice and low in their balance. (And I hope their checks start bouncing.) And, if you are going to donate, make sure you do it AFTER your currency hyperinflates, so your donation will be worthless.

    Under no circumstances should anyone donate anything of value, or potential value, to the Washtowel. This includes any currency that still has value or is backed by a physical asset, and especially anything that includes precious metals. For sure, I would never donate anything that could be used as money--not even pennies (which are mostly zinc these days). They could melt down the pennies and get a little money for the scrap metal, and they are not worth even that.

    And, their "spiritual paradise" is about as genuine as the Zimbabwe dollar. And worth about the same amount--at least you can use Zimbabwe dollars as toilet paper. Which is more than can be said about their "spiritual paradise".

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