Just want to tell everyone whos not in the program for 2011's Special Day Assembly, which I had this weekend. (Some titles may not be accurate since I'm translating from a Spanish program slip)
"Take Refuge in Jehovah" Ps. 118:8,9
9.40 Musical Prelude
9.50 Song 49 and Prayer
10.00 Why do you we need a refuge?
10.15 How Jehovah is our strength in times of anguish
10.30 Lets help our neighbor take refuge under the wings of Jehovah
10.55 Song 68 and Announcements
11.05 Lets Imitate Jehovah, being a refuge for the rest
11.35 Dedication and Baptismal
12:05 Song 7
1.20 Music
1.30 Song 23
1.35 Experiences (Old guy who got baptized and is going to aux pio for 30hrs)
1.45 Watchtower Summary
2.15 Youth, deposit your trust in Jehovah (I see double entendre)
2.30 Is your home the "port of your delight?"
2.45 Song 69 and Announcements (Attendance, Finance Report)
2.55 Our Spiritual Paradise, The refuge Jehovah provides
3.55 Song 121, Concluding Prayer
Regarding the assembly hall, our Special day was held there, and during the announcements it was said that we should treat it well as it's our last time we are going to meet there. (shortly after that someone threw a bag of idk what down the balcony into the seating area, almost hitting someone. HAHA! You could see some attendants going crazy) Obviously it has not been sold yet, and the rumors have quieted down, it's still on the WT chopping block. The elder didnt get off the stage without telling everyone "Make your checks payable to Circuit XXXX" (Not revealing for fear of possibly getting revealed myself)
At the start of the assembly the circuit bank account had a "whopping" $500 (collective gasp), add 2 announced donations of $100 each, left them with $700 spendable cash pre-donations. Cost of assembly around $5,000 or so (just one day) Why did they decide to hold all the Special Day Assemblies there beats me.. Could have shut the place down until a sale finalized..