The elders called me friday night, and I hung up the phone. You see I changed my voicemail to the automatic message just in case someone calls me who i do not want to talk to and I want them to think they might have the wrong number. When my phone went off I answered hello how can I help you? Then the person said hello sister blank... I hung up the phone and cut it off right away... Well Sat I had a birthday party the first one ever, and tell me why when I was talking about them to my disassociated cousin they was at my front door.. speaking of the devil.. I told my husband to tell them I was busy (who is not a witness) and to hurry up and get rid of them as I was waiting for the other guest to arrive.. namely my cousin who has faded. Anyways come to find out they told my husband that my sister... yes my sweet old sister went to my old hall where I had left my card in the hope of fading and told them that she was worried about me and that I might need encouragement... ain't that some mess.. So she put me on their radar and she has the nerve to pretend that she did not do anything since I did not confront her. She feels guilty because she sent me a text asking me if I am ok and ect... she was getting a vibe that something is or was wrong... What a loser my husband says she is mentally ill and needs a man. I am so piss at my sister, for going to the elders. My husband told them that I will contact them when I am ready, which means never. I also live out the area, which was my excuse for leaving that hall, so they can waste their gas coming my house if they wnat, but no one will answer the door. I am going to leave my sister alone after I getting my wedding pictures and ect off of her camera. I can not believe she sold me out. She also mailed this article out of the watchtower about Adam and Eve and the snake.. she put a post it on top how cool, never looked at it like that. Get a life! Just in case I can not fade without the random drop overs or phone calls I had my husband type up a 'Da letter', stating that I was want to be Da', because I do not believe that they are Gods only organization, and to please do not try to contact me because my mind is made up, sweet and brief. I am not wasting any words on them, I realize that you have to open your own eyes, no one else can do it for you. So my letter is only two sentences long, and I will have it ready and will have my husband give it to them next time they drop by. Anyone has any stories as to how their family or friends went to the elders on them?
My fade thanks to my sister
by dysfunction 7 Replies latest jw friends
Anyone has any stories as to how their family or friends went to the elders on them?
Yes. After I left my dangerously abusive jw husband, the elders badgered me about either remaining in the marriage or stalking him to prove adultery. I refused to do either and offered to da so as not to let this man endanger and threaten my life any longer. The elders said not to bother da'ing, because they woud df me instead.
Apparently they later discovered that they didn't have grounds to df me and/or my crazy ex was pining over his inability to remarry, so my own mother started badgering me about stalking the man who was threatening to kill me to prove adultery on his part. Desperate to eliminate any influence he could have over my life, I made a false confession of adultery to her. She promptly reported it to the elders, and I was df'd. She has shunned me for 23 years.
There is no such thing as family loyalty in the Watchtoewer cult. Like my mother, your sister is a victim of mind control.
Jamiebowers, how sad, anyone with half a brain can see that there is something wrong with this religion.. I am glad that I saw the real"light", while I am still young! I am also happy to know that u was able to get away from that creep.
Jamie, your story makes me shudder on so many levels. I'm so very sorry... but I am so very, very happy you are with us now to tell it.
Love to you,
Baba. -
Just remember that, at one point in time, we may have done the same thing your sister did. Not sure how close you two always were, but it could
possibly be pure concern for your wellbeing. She doesn't realize that she is brainwashed. My dad did the same thing to me when I moved to a different town. I was furious at the time. But really, I probably did the same thing many years ago as well.
Lotus Flower is right, in that your sister probably really DOES think she is doing the "right thing", but that is her cult-mind talking.
When my FRIENDS were "concerned" about ME and spoke to the elders on my "behalf", I really could have lived without it.
No exaggeration, it gave me a negative knee-jerk reaction to the word "concerned". That in itself is rather sad and telling.
Thanks for your kind words, Dys and Baba. Hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?