JW Armageddon Arrives!
Satan Loses with only 99.999% support. 7 billion people (and assorted animals) destroyed. SATAN FAIL!
God wins with 0.001% support. 7 million survivors. God's name sanctified. WINNER!
by pirata 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JW Armageddon Arrives!
Satan Loses with only 99.999% support. 7 billion people (and assorted animals) destroyed. SATAN FAIL!
God wins with 0.001% support. 7 million survivors. God's name sanctified. WINNER!
Ridiculous, isn't it?
....as of the end of the OT, Jehovah was leading Satan in kills, 2.2 million to 10.... and even with the 10, Jehovah gets an assist. So, the final score is consistent with the way it's been going since the first inning.
Satan also scores on track record, since 1914 the Big J and his throne sitting son ,Little J, have done two things for mankind, not much and bugger-all.
Satan, since being confined to the Earth in 1914 has : improved health and longevity, taken billions out of poverty and invented the Interenet to improve the education of all.
Except JW's ,whose God forbids them to research on the Net along with forbidding them to take one of satan's blood transfusions if they need to save their life.
God's Invisible Kingdom : Nil Satans Rule : four or five and counting.
And my former P.O oftern used to say "worldly people had little value of humun life"
Of course, the above figure of 2.2 million kills for Jehovah doesn't include approximately 7 million more who died in the flood. I didn't mention it because the Bible didn't tally up the dead for that one.
So let's see, 7,000,000 dead, 8 survivors, for a survival rate of .000000142 percent. (In all fairness, that might be one too many zeros, I'm not sure as my calculator couldn't handle these wonderful numbers revealing Jehovah's undeserved kindness.) That means 1 out of every 875,000 vindicated Jehovah's name... so Jehovah is actually showing much more mercy and compassion in the last days. Who said Jehovah doesn't change? He is truly evolving!
LMAO @ the title of this thread.
I guess the title of my thread is misleading. It is not really THE final one. There will be an additional cleansing after the 1000 year reign, those killed being Satan, the dmeons, and wicked humans numbering as the sands of the sea.
Good point pirata, say 50 billion (estimate of all who have ever lived) come alive again for the 1000 year reign, and maybe 1/3rd decide that they don't want to be there at the end of that exercise. That means Jehovahs got to kill another 17 billion. That will make Armageddon look like a walk in the park.