How do you get latest magazine? (Watchtower and Awake)

by Snoozy 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Snoozy

    I often see quotes from posters about this article and that article they read in the magazines. I was just wondering how you have access to the magazines ?

    I had a sub many years ago but they quit offering them.

    Do you have relatives that supply them?

    Still go to hall and get them?

    Get them at the door?


  • DanaBug
  • DanaBug

    P.S. Bookmark it! That site is moronic! It took me about 15 minutes to figure out how to get PDFs again instead of MP3s. But then again, maybe I'm the moron, lol!

  • Snoozy

    Thank you for the link!..


  • dogon

    I used to subscribe until they changed how you get the sub. I just threw it away or burnt it to heat my home. LOL just to cost them money wasted for printing and postage. Now you can only get a sub from the hall if I am not mistaken. Now I just don't give a shit. Its like what have the scientoligists printed about Xenu? I don't care.

  • factfinder

    I used to get them years ago from a brother who brought them to my house but then an elder directed him to stop bringing them to me to try to force me to come back to meetings to get them myself(elder's own admission!). After that my jw brother was sending them to me but then he stopped- guess he agreed with that elder! Now I get them from a sister I know, but she stopped giving me the study edition and km. I see the new issues first on

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