I was at breakfast with the wife this morning, and as always, the news was on the t.v. there. It is a grizzly morning, with the snow, sleet and rain and slippery conditions.
This other couple was watching the news, the Cairo violence, the floods in Australia, etc. etc.
All of a sudden the guy says..." I think the world is coming to an end". Which, I immediately replied, "Naw, this stuff happens all the time, we just didn't know it before. The news media always pick up on disasters and bad news around the world, and today, we see what happens everywhere, but years ago, we didn't see it in the news, even though it still happened". He disagreed, of course, and I said, "read your history books. You'll see that although this is a bad year, these things happen often, and we are still here". He wasn't very happy with me. :)
I told my wife after we left that if any j.w. 's heard him talk like that, they'd be hovering all over him, getting him to do a bible study with them. He's definitely a prime candidate for one, in my opinion.