I was thinking about the first Bible discussions I had with my JW friend where she got into Old Testament scriptures, etc. It just dawned on me that she might have left an open door. At one point, she said, "I would love to do a secular study of these topics." This was a spark of curiosity that I think is healthy. Although I doubt she would take the initiative to go so far as to enroll in a university, and of course the JW thing is messing with her mind, I was still wondering if people here could recommend a good & reputable starting point for reading about ancient history to give her some perspective on how the Bible fits into the overall historical picture - like maybe something similar to the WT "Insight on the Scriptures" volumes, but of course more credible. She loves the Insight books because she thinks she's learning history. I would be willing to buy it for her as a gift. I realize that she could just go to the library, but I'd like to give her something to have on her bookshelf as a reminder.
Help: Ancient history sources for my JW friend - recommendations?
by InterestedOne 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Just get her to research the fall of Jerusalem from secular sources. That's all she needs to do and then go from there. Any library, Museum will help her in the real facts.
Black Sheep
I agree with DD
Keep her on one subject. Fall of Jerusalem is the best one, as the Governing Body precariously balances its authority on it.
Make her do the research and show you what she found. You just encourage her and keep her honest.
Good luck
Finkelstein & Silbermans "The bible unearthed" is about biblical archeology and is total poison for the OT (i have it as a pdf i think if you would like).
Friedmans "Who really wrote the bible" contain a lot of historical information, but focus on how the bible was put together.
Aaron Eldridge
Without doubt "A Survey of the Old Testament" http://www.amazon.com/Survey-Old-Testament-Second/dp/0310229030/ref=sip_rech_dp_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1296754342&sr=8-1
I have some work to do right now but will come back latter to explain why I selected this one.