A few months ago, there was one day of the week I hated above all else. You probably know which I'm talking about... the day of the TMS and SM. I don't know which day you had yours on, but mine was always on Thursday. I used to loathe Thursday. I'd get up in the morning always in a bad mood. For some reason, I would ALWAYS have a headache on Thursday. It never failed. The looming threat of the meeting that night, always stressed me to my very core.
In just a few months, I love Thursday! I actually like Thursday more than any other weekday now. Because every time I come home from work on Thursday, I get the satisfaction of knowing I never have to waste my evening at a stupid meeting. I'll find myself occasionally thinking "it's Thursday, I got the meeting tonight" then I remember, "No you don't, you idiot. Woo hoo!"
I equate it to one of the best feelings in the world, waking up in the middle of the night thinking you have to get up, then coming to your senses and realizing you still have hours left to sleep!