Does the parent want their child raised as a Jehovah's Witness by the other parent?
How much of the child's exposure to that religion is acceptable?
Is it in the best interest of the child to allow the Jehovah's Witness parent to prohibit a necessary blood transfusion should the necessity arise?
Who decides?
The Doctor with the best interest of the patient
How much notice of pending medical procedures is required?
Both should be made aware of the procedure before it is carried out
Are the risks and hazards of shunning a child or requiring the child to shun others in the child's best interest?
Is the child being placed at unacceptable risk by going door-do-door in the Jehovah's Witnesses ministry?
Is it in the child's best interest to prohibit the child from celebrating birthdays, Christmas and other holidays?
Who determines with whom the child may associate? The Parent who the child lives with
What if the child does not want to participate in that religion?
Then they do not have to
Do any of the particular teachings of the Watchtower Society negatively impact the child's psychological well being?
How much control of your child by non-family members is acceptable?
Can your child be forced to be home schooled by the Jehovah's Witness parent?
Not forced. It must be a joint decision
Is it in a baptized child's best interest to be compelled to shun a non-believing disfellowshipped parent?
Is it in a disfellowshipped child's best interest to be shunned by a believing parent and/or siblings?