I was talking to an elder friend of mine. He says they got a letter in that makes it more strict for a brother to reach out as an MS. If there was ever a letter written on the prospected brother regarding past wrongdoing, he is now practically turned down without question by the Circuit Overseer. Elder friend said society may even impliment background checks on anyone reaching out. Is this true or possible? Or is this just rumor or something being blown out of proportion?
Background Checks????
by iamwhoiam 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I've never heard of this but I CERTAINLY wouldn't be shocked. There's recently been a lot of talk with the brothers about the need to "reach out" because of the expanding work and the need for brothers. If this is their way of doing that.....
Elder friend said society may even impliment background checks on anyone reaching out.
If this means checking the pedophile/sex offender database, I think it's a good idea considering how easily pedophiles could insert themselves in a congregation. -
If this protects from sex offenders gaining positions of responsibility, then great. Although what after that? Sorry, you've got bad credit how could we trust you with accounts?
Once again their desperation from brothers to serve is in opposition to their increasingly higher qualifications.
Aussie Oz
well i hope they shoot themselves in the foot ultimatly.
excellent to screen for sex offenders and if thats true its not before time either,
but if they are also bleeding elders then making it harder to climb from publisher to M/S may be in 'our' favour i suggest.
St George of England
Here in the UK these vetting checks were suspended by Labour Minister Theresa May in June 2010 and are in the process of being scrapped for a lot of situations.
Needless to say there is concern that the protection of children is being sacrificed as a money saving exercise.
I don't think anything instituted by the WT would be for the protection of children and the vulnerable, they have not shown any interest or responsibility in that area, I would think the background check, if a reality, was to protect the WT in some way.
I suppose it would perhaps uncover a paedophile, and WT would not want to be seen to appoint a known paedophile, but I bet the motive is wider than just that.
Pitchess Co-Gen
I don't think anything instituted by the WT would be for the protection of children and the vulnerable, they have not shown any interest or responsibility in that area, I would think the background check, if a reality, was to protect the WT in some way.
I think it's a good idea to have background checks on people if they have a criminal record or if there a paedophile, I just hope they don't go to crazy with it. I don't know why they keep making it harder for bothers to reach out for Ministerial Servant or Elders ? I thought if some time has past than you could reach out of a title ? Did I miss somthing ?
Open mind
Of course they do background checks. Right before the meeting when he gets announced as a new MS, they ask him if he's ever sexually abused children.
The Holy Spirit will make sure he tells the truth.