Taking my Lawyer to a Judicial Committee.

by kpax 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • kpax

    Does anyone know if I can take my Lawyer to a Judicial Committee?
    Would be fun!


  • Beans

    Sure you can,make sure you record it too!

  • Cygnus

    You can take a lawyer, but don't expect the elders to allow the lawyer to be present during the hearing. You are not allowed any witnesses.

    This is the one thing I wish I had fought harder for. I was DF'd for associating with a DF'd person. At my judicial hearing, I brought my disfellowshipped friend with me and asked if he could sit in. The elders said no, so I went along. I should have insisted and seen if the elders would still go through with it anyway. After all, they didn't get all dressed up for nothing. :wink:

  • Ranchette

    Usually if you let them know you plan to have your lawyer present and they believe you are serious they drop the meeting altogether and leave you alone.

    They don't want to have JC meetings with a person who has legal representation.



    My husband gave a letter to the elders & in it he told them not to call him anymore, and that any further communication must be in writing to him or to a lawyer. He said he would attend the JCM only if his lawyer could be present. That, he must have in writing the charges against him, as well as a list of the people that were to testify against him. That night an elder on the committee and another on the phone listening in (2 witnesses)called to see if he would meet with the JC the following night. He asked him if they had read his letter and they said yes. The next night HIS JC meeting was held without him. They, then, called him to inform him that they disfellowshipped him on the grounds of 'APOSTACY'. But, they did tell him he could appeal should he want too. WHAT A JOKE!

    They are sooooooo funny.

    Here's a joke: Question: Why do men have a hole in their penis?
    Answer: So they can get oxygen to their brain!!!!

    I guess these guys must have had their holes plugged or just tied off. What other reason could there be? HA HA HA!

  • JT

    the comment was made about the "judical process":


    and this has been my point from day one i read about folks who want to take lawyers . etc. why why IF THE GOAL IS just to F%ck with the elders then COOL
    but if the goal is to make some Noble Point THEN you are sadly mistaken

    Folk listen to me please THERE ARE NO RULES------------------

    to think that you can appeal to these clowns on the grounds of they didn't follow PROPER WT PROCEDURES IN your judical case when the issue involves charges of APOSTASY you are in for a rude awakening-

    LIKE I STATED IF your goal is just mess with the elders or as some say TO GET SOMETHING OFF MY CHEST--so that you can see just how crazy they are THEN GO FOR IT

    but please don't think that you are going to walk into some elder JC meeting and make a point THAT WILL INFLUENCE how they deal with you unless you threaten to sue them for some $$$$

    then they will change their tune many times

    but each person i guess has to ride the storm out in their own way i guess

  • Francois

    Not allowed? Shit. We're talking about the WTBTS here, and a body of rednecks play-acting with their "judicial committee." Not allowed?

    Tell 'em he's your attorney and without him being present, there will be NO MEETING. The power is yours if you will but lay your hands on it and INSIST on having your way.

    Not allowed my ass.

    I say the witnesses are a cult and I say fuck 'em.


  • Marilyn

    Just turn up with one (or a pretend one) and hire a couple of very large body guards and take them too. (all three must wear suits) Emphatically insist that all three remain with you throughout. Tell them that you are afraid for your safety as you have heard too many bad things about JC meetings (even if you haven't). If nothing else, you will completely unnerve them. They won't know if you are crazy or serious. One things for sure they ain't gonna want to strutt their stuff in front of all these worldly visitors.

  • Simon

    they will not allow you and either DF you or DA you while you are not there.

    I sneaked a couple of tape recorders into mine ... the hard part was keeping a straight face when they asked if I had any recording equipment (I didn't lie, it was theocratic warfare...)


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