I say this to myself while consuming copious amounts of hot sauce. Something I adore. What are you in love with so to speak, although it is not felt to be a harmful addiction?
Non harmful addictions, is there such a thing?
by mamalove 6 Replies latest jw friends
Reading and yes it's harmful.........it caused me to get out of the JW's. Best harm I ever experienced.
Over The Counter Antihistamines.
Found Sheep
I'm addicted to this site - not harmful
I'm addicted to my husband - not harnful
Perhaps, any addiction, or having an addiction is a sign that the person has a harmful or rather that the person harbors inner pain, for which an addiction provides a temporary relief. That would mean that the above named person would feel compelled to imbibe repeatedly, while a pain free person would imbibe and then let it go. That is not to say that all addictions have harmful affects, merely that the person w the addictive type personality has already been harmed in some way.
Life its-self is an addiction.
A successful life is a series of pleasurable addictions that only end with death.
Enjoy it while you can.
Found Sheep
I've been harmed in some way... so what