Changing doctrines versus Core doctrines

by Mad Sweeney 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Is there any WT doctrine you think is not subject to change ever? Any doctrines you feel may change some day but no way in the next several decades?

    I was just thinking about those of us younger than 50. If we live to a healthy ripe old age, just how different will the JWs be then from what they are today? I'm thinking the only thing that might be the same are the paradise earth doctrine and the separation of believers into classes.

  • james_woods

    I would have said the blood doctrine - but in fact that has changed more than once.

    I would also have said the "generation of 1914" - but in fact that has changed more than once.

    I would also have said closing of the annointed class in the 1930s - but in fact that has also changed.

    I would guess perhaps the obsession with the name Jehovah - but in fact the JWs have admitted in print this translated name is in error.

    So - I think the only unchangeable core doctrine is that the Governing Body holds all behavioral, fiscal, and doctrinal power over all JWs everywhere.

  • wobble

    I agree MS, as has been debated on many a thread, they have to get out of the 1914 thing somehow, I think the safest route for them is natural atrophy, and they are trying to reverse slowly, and litigation free, out of the Blood Doctrine.

    The paradise earth is the carrot on a stick they dare not drop, and the classes of believers is integral to their rigid control of mind and money.

    As we have seen in recent years the Doctrine of the FDS class is morphing so that the GB only, not the other partakers, become synonymous with the "FDS", so we are fast getting three classes, the parable will be due for another mauling to prove this to Dubs who will lap it up as wonderful "Noo Lite".

    I think for you younger guys the change is not as dramatic as what I have seen in my lifetime, the religion I was born in to in 1950 bears only a passing resemblance to the Watchtower "Worship the Governing Body" Cult of today.

  • sir82
    Is there any WT doctrine you think is not subject to change ever?

    Only the primary JW belief, their core tenet:

    "The Governing Body speaks for God and is his virtual and moral equivalent."

    Everything else is subject to change at any moment.

  • zoiks

    They are always dragging out their teachings on hellfire and the immortality of the soul to parade around. I think that those two will not change.


    Looking back through the JW history, the only doctrine that hasn't been subject to change is the doctrine that the end is at hand and if you wanna be saved, you gotta be with us.


  • Sapphy

    Trinity, hellfire, paradise earth - in some form. I dont think they could change these without some repercussions.

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