An elder phoned me up the other day to see how I was. He does this every couple of months, as part of his shepherding routine I suppose. (At least this elder takes shepherding seriously) I have not been to a meeting for a few months. I was actually having a nap when he phoned, but I tried my best to make conversation. He was going through the obligatory exhortation to read the magazines, trying to whet my appetite by talking about highlights, and he mentioned a magazine about the garden of Eden and how we can know it was real. I said oh that's interesting I'll look it up. And he said it discusses the snake and why it was used. I said that's good I'll find out why Jehovah used a snake in the garden of Eden. It was Satan not Jehovah who used the snake he jumped right back. He sounded utterly appalled, even wounded at my slip of the tongue. I think he has long suspected my apostate tendencies, and perhaps this has confirmed it. Maybe that's the end of my shepherding calls.
I think an elder has sussed me out as an apostate. :-S
by slimboyfat 6 Replies latest jw friends
Broken Promises
If he mentions it again, just say it was a slip of a tongue. Afterall, you had just woken up from a nap.
lifelong humanist
I like to respond whenever I can to fellow Scots on this forum...
I DAd myself in 2003 when I knew I wanted nothing more to do with JWs/WT organization, any religion, or any god. Not once has any elder ever tried to re-establish communication with me. For that, I'm grateful. My wife's still in, so maybe they check up with her and then decide that I don't ever want to go back?
How come you receive so much attention? Just curious.
lifelong humanist
Hi slimboyfat....only 7% of spoken communication is comprehended by the words that are actually spoken. My guess is maybe subconciosly your tone of voice gave you away.
I once had a telephone conversation with an elder (He was from another congregation and didnt no of my then fade) he only rang to ask for a broachure. I was amazed how despite saying nothing negative about the organisation, he could tell i was no longer interested in the watchtower. He bought the conversation to a premature close. This made me realise how much of a cult and how strong the watchtower mind-control is.
I doubt the elder will think too much of it as I guess he already knows I no longer speak and act much like a Witness. Confusing Jehovah and Satan was a bit much though and I had a good laugh about it afterwards. It just might be the last straw that makes him decide keeping contact with me is a waste of time. I know this experience is pretty banal compared to many of the stories we get on here, but I thought I would share it anyway. Looking back my whole interaction with Witnesses seems to consist of such tedious encounters. I don't have many interesting stories to tell, my life as a Witness was all a bit of a grey sameness.
I think the only reason the elders still have contact with me is because illness was involved in my protracted fade, and despite myself I do still go to meetings now and again, so I am never quite forgotten. Plus I see many Witnesses about town and am on friendly terms with them.
Maybe you're just nicer than lifelonghumanist and me and they want you back...
9 years out, not dfed and I've never had them in touch. Wonder what I did wrong right?
Well there's no point denying it, I am just so damn great to be around. Nah actually I think we can discount that as an explanation. Let's just say I hang around the Witnesses like a bad smell. I am the apostate who refuses to leave.