The Great Equalization

by WTWizard 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    You may have heard of "the great equalization" that is supposed to happen, so no one has "too much" or "too little". But what exactly does this mean to the witlesses?

    What this very well could end up meaning is that, when coming crises hit, they are going to start hounding the witlesses that prepared well for them to share with those who didn't. In the United Tyranny of America, for instance, they might insist that those who have flashlights and batteries share them with those without if the Texas rolling blackouts become more widespread and regular (which, by the way, the mainstream media did a miserably poor job reporting to those outside Texas).

    The scenario is typical: You get frequent blackouts, perhaps because of the fake energy crisis caused by Osama Obama using the EPA to shut down power plants. On top of that, Bernanke's printing presses trigger a rally in oil and/or silver at the worst possible time (within a few days before a Treasury auction), and hyperinflation suddenly hits. Combined with the OsamaCare ObamaCare (including hidden rules that, if you spend more than $600, you must report it to the IRS) and the S510 bill tacked to another bill and passed, the country could easily be hit with a crisis that is more typical of the banana republics in South America or the despotisms in Africa.

    Sometime very shortly after the crisis hits, you hear an announcement at the boasting session. They want the witlesses to share their food, gas, precious metals (gold and silver), and whatever supplies that will help out with those who don't have these. They will cite the "equalizing" by insinuating that the witlesses need to be taking care of others without these provisions.

    And, yes this is unfair. You see, there is always going to be one in the congregation that, for whatever reason, stockpiles these supplies. They may be holding batteries for the Great Tribulation (or food), which will come in handy when this "emergency" happens. Or, they saw warning signs of hyperinflation (QE2 being the most recent), and started putting what little money they have in gold and/or silver. Some of these may have even been telling others that they should be stocking up in case of such emergencies, but everyone else is thinking "Let Jehovah take care of it". Now, the crisis comes, and the one that was smart enough to stockpile supplies is called upon to dole out to those who didn't. Some of those who didn't were just lazy, living off welfare so they could pio-sneer (and often obnoxious "You should pio-sneer, or you are going to die" types).

    You might not hear this from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger itself, aside the usual hounding to donate more to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. However, that doesn't mean the local hounders and/or pio-sneers (who are notorious for working as little as possible so they can pio-sneer) won't initiate such a drive. They may well claim that, if you have these provisions and do not use them to help those who insisted on not getting them, you are unfaithful and likely to be destroyed for "not helping a brother in need". They might even cite the "If you do not do this for these least of my brothers, you do not do it for me" crap. Or, "Jehovah owns everything anyways, and is now calling on you to surrender it".

    As I mentioned, it is not fair. I do not recommend sharing your wealth and/or supplies with anyone against your will. If you stock up on food or batteries, those are yours and yours alone (you are, however, responsible for any children you volitionally brought into the world). If you have loads of gold, silver, or oil, these are yours (and your dependent children's) alone. You should not give it to the congregation, the hounders, or the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.

    Speaking of Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, if your currency does become completely worthless, stuffing the box with low denomination notes of the worthless currency might be a nice way to prevent them from getting any good currency. If, for instance, your dollar starts crashing and it takes a sextillion of them for a sheet of toilet paper, filling the box with $1 bills will prevent them from getting good money. The money won't even buy toilet paper, and they will have to sift through worthless $1 bills to find any Amero bills (or worse, gold and silver money).

  • Vidiot

    Dude, are you an Alex Jones / Glenn Beck fan?

  • WTWizard

    I have observed conditions in other countries, and the United Tyranny of America seems to be headed in the same direction. All it takes is for China to depeg the yuan from the dollar, and for England to use the yuan as the world reserve currency instead of the dollar, and we are screwed. It has happened in Germany, Hungary, Zimbabwe, and to a lesser extent throughout South America--fiat currency cannot remain stable forever.

    And, when it does, the witlesses are in for a miserable time. When the dollar does crash (when, not if), they are going to be short in vital commodities. We already had a taste of it in 2008, when gas was more than $4 a gallon--and I am willing to bet that many were asked to donate money for gas then. And the worse a crash we get, the more the local hounders are going to insist on people sharing. To make things worse for the witlesses, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger fleeces them regularly--bleeding congregation accounts, telling the witlesses to "trust in Jehovah" when times are reasonably good so they cannot prepare for a crisis, and preaching them out of decent jobs that will survive a crash in the system. All of which is going to make an already bad situation much worse for the witlesses.

  • diamondiiz

    When wts see this crisis unfold the answer will be same as in the 70s. The end is imminent and you better do the most you can to reach people out there. Donate more of your resources to help wts now or how will God view you when Armageddon comes? So, my guess is there won't be any equalization. More people will sell homes to do more while their dollars in the bank account depreciate due to the inflation. JWs will depend on the government handouts like everyone else. Witnesses aren't any more prepared for a crisis than a regular person. I think Mormons are supposed to have some sort of food supply stored but that's not the case with witnesses, after all great tribulation will be short and big A will be here. I don't see how wts will have answers for jws when the crisis continues for several years or a decade. My theory is that initially I expect the jws ranks to grow as many df and studies will jump on board only to get disillusioned with the majority of jws as the crisis gets old and no end in sight or crisis ends and no Armageddon comes.

    As for Chinese yuan, I don't see it replacing US dollar nor do I see Chinese not being affected by this global crisis. If they depeg, they will buy resources much cheaper and their inflation will fall but that only means their exports will fall due to the higher currency. If their exports fall that translates to loss of jobs and when we are talking about over a billion people living under communist regime with limited freedoms, we can expect Egyptian style protests on a much larger scale. Also, we still have more freedoms here in the west including US than general Chinese population and what losses of freedoms US is experiencing is nothing when compared to what Chinese population have been living with for decades. This crisis is global and the derivative time bomb is still ticking and only time will tell how this crisis will finally explode.

  • the-illuminator81

    If you stockpiled on scarce resources, don't tell ANYONE. Not the witnesses, not the neighbors. When push comes to shove they will kill you for food.

  • sir82

    Some day, when I'm in the mood for an unusual, exotic vacation in a foreign land where the normal definitions of logic do not apply, I'm going to spend a week in WTW's mind....

  • Heaven

    If you stockpiled on scarce resources, don't tell ANYONE. Not the witnesses, not the neighbors. When push comes to shove they will kill you for food.

    OR... you could all get together and grow a community garden where everyone gets fed.

  • Vidiot

    heaven - "OR... you could all get together and grow a community garden where everyone gets fed."

    I'm with you on that one, dude; if the world goes to hell in a handbasket, I'd rather be a good neighbor than a paranoid hermit.

    I'd still purchase and become proficient with a legal and licensed firearm, though.

    In response to the thread topic (and I've touched on this before):

    If/when climate change, the effects of Peak Oil, unsustainable population growth, resource depletion, disease pandemics, global economic meltdown, or authoritarian neo-feudalism take place (or any combination thereof), at the very least, the WTS will limp along, barely a shadow of its former self. Far likelier IMO; the WTS will simply fade away into obscurity.

    The reasons why are:

    A) while still globally significant (and arguably "apocalyptic"), these events are, at their core, mundane "real-world" phenomenon, whereas the vast majority of apocalyptic millennialist groups subscribe to End-Times interpretations that manifest themselves in an overtly supernatural manner...

    B) an authoritarian theocratic worldview can't significantly accomodate the concept of humanity causing its own near-extinction...

    C) the WTS's Fred Franz-scripted End-Times narrative, which at this point has bad guys who are largely powerless (the UN Security Council) or still have no equivalent recast yet (the King of the North), barely touches on these conditions except in a broadly generalized way, and has done virtually nothing to prepare its membership for them (physically or spiritually)...

  • kurtbethel

    I would cite the story of the wise virgins who had extra oil and point out that the ones who did not store extra oil were the foolish virgins, and could you please show me in scripture where the wise virgins gave their oil to the foolish virgins? No? Okay, thank you for your advice but my conscience requires me to follow scripture.

  • WontLeave

    Communism doesn't work, mostly because people suck. The Pilgrims tried being "good neighbors" and sharing everything. Many starved to death until they decided to own and sell their produce. Since everybody got the same, no matter what they contributed, nobody contributed. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" encourages people to take without giving anything back. In communist countries and socialist programs like the various forms of welfare, it's amazing how many people suddenly have a bad back.

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