Suggestions for pamphlet

by c5 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • c5


    I would like to put together a 1 sheet pamphlet explaining about JW's for people who are curious about them.

    In it, I would like information to be simple, true, logical, and non-fanatical.

    I am open to any suggestions as to what to print in it, as I am not good at phrasing things on paper!

    I would like the general gist of it to be:

    "What Jehovah's Witnesses do not tell you"


    "Things you should know about Jehovah's Witnesses"

    Again, I want the emphasis to be on simple truth about them, nothing hateful or fanatical. The aim of it would be to make sure people are really informed about them in all ways.

    Someone suggested that these could maybe be inserted into WT and Awakes we find at Laundermats, etc.


  • LB

    I love this idea. I'd be willing to purchase a couple of hundred of these things. I wouldn't hit hard on the serious topics such as child molesting but simple things like how you get treated if you try to quit.

    Also perhaps including some website addresses would be important. I think my placements would be very high with this material. How about it, some of our elite thinkers willing to draw this up?

    Oh c5, does your name have any relation to Corvettes?

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • hippikon

    Can I be a special pioneer?

    Include how secret files and door to door records are kept.

    That JW employees will be more loyal to the elders than to confidentiality and privacy laws.

    That the elders are instructed to destroy congregation records if presented with a search warrant.

    Oh I could go on and on

  • c5


    I do like the idea of bringing out that JW's will be more loyal to the congregation/elders than complying with laws on privacy.


    Yes, I would like to bring out the cases of child molestation too. The public definatly needs to know that the current system for JW's dealing with molesters is flawed.

    No, unfortunaly my name has nothing to do with corvettes! Just my internet name is all!

    I am writing up a first draft, I will post it when it is finshed. I encourage all feedback.

  • DNC

    Great idea c5!

    I'm in the process of creating a 'download' page at the DNC site, I'd be more than happy to host your completed pamphlet there so that it's freely available to all.

    Same goes for the rest of you guys who'd like to join 'the resistance'!
    Share and share alike - right!?


  • anewperson

    LIBERATORS PROJECT: Interested readers are encouraged to make and distribute copies of the following in whole or part which is intended as a act of love for better educating general readers in the public as well as any Jehovah's Witness family members, JW Bible students and friends. At the end of the following feel free to substitute your own email or website address if you prefer.

    LOVING OUR JEHOVAH'S WITNESS FAMILY & FRIENDS, we're informing the Congregation & Public with documentated facts exposing misleadership by Watchtower Society (WTS) heads over our JW loved ones: Christ said families would be divided by some members doing good & others doing wrongs but never ever advocated destruction of families. 1 Cor 6:1 only says judge "trivial" things as in business, James 2:4-13 calls judging harmful, & Paul says the "majority" (2 Cor 2:6), followed his advice to shun a wrongdoer, meaning a minority chose not to & yet he nowhere condemns them. So we ask why the formal Judicial Committes destroying families via numerous formal renderings of disfellowshipment (shunning)? Acts 15:20 says abstain from blood but 1 Sam 14:32-5 says Saul's army ate unBLED meat to not starve & no verses show God not forgiving them plus Christ (Mat 7) says God also forgave David's eating temple holy bread & that God wants Mercy Not Sacrifice. The May 22, 1994 Awake tells of 26 JW kids who died without transfusions, & by common sense in massive bleeding as in car wrecks blood expanders won't save lives ( An estimated 3 JWs die daily earthwide from the WTS’s unscriptural policy (Blood On The Altar)! Why should our kids, grandkids etc be endangered?

    Members are told report on each other though the Bible condemns busy-bodying. Page 302 in the Daniel book and pages 88 and 651 in the Proclaimers book show photos of the Knights Templar swords and the cross-with-crown-and-wreath used by Masons who sometimes use "Theocratic Warfare" tactics to change members'personalities on early WTS’s literature. Some old WT books also have the winged sun god Ra on front covers - never a Christian symbol. Nor are regular JWs allowed to read Judicial Committee "sin files" on themselves, many not knowing they exist; often with misinformation.(photos: See also picture of Pay Attention To Yourselves And All The Flock book on p 232 of the Insight book that elders have but which non-elders are not allowed to read.

    Christ was likely born about Oct 2, so why ignore his being conceived 9 months earlier was in late December? Why insist Christmas is from the pagan Saturnalia when John 10:22-3 says Christ also celebrated the Festival of Dedication or Lights, i.e. Hannukah, which first began Dec 25 but has varied since because lunar-based? Job 1:3, 3:1 & 3:3 show Job's kids celebrated birthdays if you read all 3 verses to see day of birth is meant. Didn't angels celebrate Christ's birth? Santa is from Nicholas, a Christian, not a wizard or pagan god. Why call compromises holidays that attacked & replaced paganisms? Doesn’t Colossians 2:16 say let none judge you about a holiday. WTS heads say the Trinity is believing Father, Son, Spirit are 1 "identical" person yet most churches accept it as 3 totally different entities or persons forming 1 "Godship" (Ro 1:20), Son & Spirit sharing inherited age, power, knowledge from God just as an acorn may be only 1 day old but also have its genes inheriting its ancestral oak tree's age, capacity & information. Human remains & inscriptions show archaeologists the stauros was a cross not stake, Dr F Zugibe's research shows suffocation would be in minutes if on a stake but in hours if on outstretched cross per Lu 23:44 & Mat 27:45-6. Leaders call a cross is a repugnant murder weapon but Paul said boast in it as a symbol of resurrection over death. (Ga 6:14, 1Cor 1:17-18)

    Elders often hide local scandals. Leo Greenlees was a child molester fellow Governing Body members over JWs reassigned but never disfellowshipped (excommunicated) in the 1980s ( in the archives, etc), & to date child abuse by Watchtower Society (WTS) associates is still officially covered up, causing costly destructive court costs and reproach including articles in Christianity Today, Dateline NBC investigations etc. For copies of letters to Bodies Of Elders regular members aren't shown including on child abuse see:,, JWs' kids & grandkids deserve to be safe. Some members in such coverup places complain of physical harassment (poking, shoving etc), hints that "Jehovah’s eyes are everywhere" & elders detailing their most private conversations & bedroom doings with their own marriage mates. WTS articles told elders not to “police” bedrooms in 1978 but later in a talk (but not in writing) in 1983 told regular members "The Practice" of some marital intimacies can lead to Expulsion. (discussed on Some regular JWs absent that evening have been "expelled" (harassed/trained) without clearly aware why. Contrast this to the pedophilia coverups. "Insight" book articles are on all Bible books except Song of Solomon/Canticles which has much positive marital imagery contrasting with the Gov Body’s views of what is “holy.” Instructed to keep such things "in-house" when asked most elders deny the 1983-onwards policy to protect the Gov Body. WTS heads teach God does not like the UN but until exposed 1991-2001 the WTS was a formal UN associate, not just a UN library card user as claimed. Read the Nov 22, 1998 Awake magazine very closely. Also

    This is to help our JW family & friends but exposes the misleadership over our loved ones! They are told they must not read this material if given it by hand, but when e/mailed it most do quietly read it, some exit, most feel angry at first then quietly decrease donations to the WTS etc, if not baptized a JW stay that way etc. Some form nonWTS groups or are independent Christians noting when Paul said there's only "1 faith" the WTS didn't exist so true Christianity is all true Christians over the centuries. If a JW this may be from family or friends though originally from jahchristian at Please make & share copies.

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