Lately, since I left the organization, I've been quite curious what people have been saying about me behind my back. Not that I really care what these people think anyway but I'm just wondering what rumours, half-truths and outright lies are being spread about me. I have someone in my old congregation who I still keep in contact with. He seems like he may be on his way out soon enough as well for various reasons. Do you think I should ask him what people have been saying or should I just leave well enough alone? I've been very curious. What do you all think?
What do you think I should do?
by MrFreeze 7 Replies latest jw friends
It really depends on how much it would bother you if anything hurtful has been said. I'm sure that lots has been said about me but I really prefer not to know ... it would frustrate me not to able to clear my name if it was unjust/untrue, and if it came from someone I'd respected I'd be so disappointed.
Loz x
I say leave it alone. I read a quote somewhere recently that said "What other people think of me (it may be 'say about me') is none of my business." I understand your curiosity, I used to be scared about getting d/f'd because I thought everyone would think I had been immoral, and that really mattered to me. I've gotten past that though. The reality is that even when I was in people thought that of me. I don't care what they think anymore.
athat all depends if you are able to have a good laugh at what you'll hear. when i left i heard all kinds of shit about me. i had a good laugh and still do when i see how retarded these people are.
on the flipside, if you know that youll get upset or depressed from what youll hear, then you should just leave it be as its not worth losing sleep over.
Well Mr. freeze you know the ole sayin'
" couriosity killed the cat" what you learn might kill you, figuratively speakin'
JWS are the biggest gossipers around, talking bullshit is their indentured social hobby.
They do this for numerous reasons one being of course to show their own pretentious personal righteousness.
PS. you shouldn't care what a JWS thinks about you, not now or into the future.
U should pretty know what they are saying....we all have been around when others have left!
At this point..there is nothing u can do about what other people are saying!
U have a real life to get on with now!
I would probably laugh whatever they say off but I would interested to see just firsthand how those people turn against ex-members.