May I ask who holds title to the KH and land? This has become a battleground in the Anglican battle over the ordination of women and homosexuals. When very conservative Episcopal groups leave to form their own church or convert to RC, a legal battle ensues. I don't know the legal details but the local bishop always wins. This is a powerful force in promoting equality within the church. I was upset over the push within General Convention (the main policy setting battle worldwide) to ban gays. The US clearly will not ban them. In fact, American Anglicans would rather leave the convention if it comes to a showdown. A friend at church remarked that I need not worry. While African Anglicans far outweigh American ones, the American ones have all the money.
It reminds me of All the President's Men and just follow the money advice from Deep Throat.
How do these elders not get disfellowshipped? The autonomy of local groups is generally a sign of health. Witnesses tend to be Germanic in character.