
by picosito 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • picosito

    The JW Organization is clearly Inquisitional and demon-inspired. Their inventing "New Light" is actually how Satan works -- by transforming himself into an Angel of Light, different kinds of "light" according to the circumstances.

    Even the Catholic Church does not treat people as severely as JW's, with their shunning and disfellowshipping (at least now that the Inquisition has been over for some time).

    Won't it be good if we all can see her waters dry up totally.

  • unclebruce

    G'day picosito,

    W.C.Fields said there was a sucker born every minute, what are these poor teat danglers to do once mother's 'waters dry up?'

    boobless unclebruce

  • gravedancer

    big leap of faith...."demon-inspired"

  • unclebruce

    careful now gravedancer, one person picking on a poster is normal around here but two might see us labelled a dangerous gang of elite intellectualls.

    So you don't think demons go around inspiring people to dastardly acts of human suffering and mind control?

    unclebruce who scared his demons away. (he thinks)

    PS: Do all JWs think of Satan everytime they're tempted by stoned fruit or was that just me?

  • gravedancer


    I hear this crap all the time from my dub-family ie "such and such is demonized..."

    What makes something demonized? How does one recognize something as demonized? let's have some fun with this one :wink:


  • unclebruce

    G'day gravedancer,

    I don't think demons and the nature of evil is something to be joked about like politics. In Australia aboriginals have been fighting a cosmic battle with the wajina men for eons and now the americans have introduced thier demons to our dream time what hope have we got? Asminov called those that opposed science "the armies in the night" but how can a poor boy tell what's real or imagined these days? I mean how do we uneducated antipideans distinguish between Yankee pop culture and "the truth". YoYo's, pogo sticks, instant fizzy cola pop enlightenment, frizby crazed, hoola hoop'n, flying saucer fashion fascists and the latest twenty first century body and soul abducting religions .. an endless array of wonderful new toys from the land of the brave .. it's all too much


    PS: Wanna buy a demon detector? $17.95US + postage and handling (hardly used .. still in the box .. one owner .. original waranty .. not to be used on children or pets)

  • DakotaRed
    W.C.Fields said there was a sucker born every minute, what are these poor teat danglers to do once mother's 'waters dry up?'

    boobless unclebruce

    Sorry if I sound nit-picking, Bruce, but that particular quote you mention is attributed to P.T. Barnum. ( just read where he didn't even say it, but his competitor did). W.C. Fields is attributed with saying, "Never give a sucker an even break."

    Come to think of it, not much difference in the two, is there?

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • picosito

    Hey, Unclebruce,

    You're right on when you mention:

    "the latest twenty first century body and soul abducting religions .. an endless array of wonderful new toys from the land of the brave .. it's all too much"

    Don't us 'mericuns have lotsa stuff ta be proud of??? Maybe that's what happens when one's country is founded by Puritans. Convicts may have a better basis for sanity and reasonableness.


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