Why do people laugh at creationists?
by whereami 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hah! I found this thread again!!
Thunderf00t's "Why People Laugh At Creationists" is one of the best video series on YouTube. I subscribed to his channel immediately after catching one video of the series, and I've kept up with Thunderf00t's ongoing additions...
Thanx for posting this, WhereAmI!!!
That Old Testament commandment about "he shall bathe in running water and wash his clothes, and then be clean" - I always understood that to mean that the "unclean" person did NOTHING until a certain amount of time had elapsed, and THEN he'd bathe and wash his clothes... Not very sanitary, when one stops to think about it...
And if you think THAT'S unsanitary, keep reading in the Mosaic law about OTHER situations of "uncleanness" wherein the "unclean" one would wait a day - or MANY days - BEFORE bathing and RITUALLY cleansing themselves... If I recall correctly, this was ESPECIALLY the case when a woman menstruated... Just think about having to wait SEVEN DAYS [if I recall correctly...] before being allowed to bathe AFTER the cessation of the monthly flow...
Yuk yuk yuk yuk...
These videos are excellent. Very well thought out and make the point that religion is a load of shit. The bible is a load of shit. It has nothing of value and those who follow it are deluded. Great post.
Glad you enjoyed it dogon. If you go to his Youtube page you'll see he has a series on this that you might also enjoy.
ziddina, that was hilarious.