Remember Paul’s admonition to shun the guy who wouldn’t stop fornicating with his Father’s wife? It does seem to be a reasonable form of disapproval, especially if his Father was very fond of the lady concerned. Think about it, they were probably the 2 people that the father would have loved most in the whole wide World. He would have felt quite a sense of loss, that’s for sure. So maybe Paul’s discipline wasn’t so harsh after all.
OK, lets take a milder form of ‘sin’. Suppose some JW chap is madly in love with someone that he wants to marry. Maybe there is something that delays this taking place. Eventually, nature prevails and the couple set up home together. No-one has been abandoned, no-one has been cuckolded. The congregation elders take a dim view of all this and give our romancers the Order Of The Welly Boot, on your bikes you two, go clean up your lives before you are welcome back into the congregation!
Our frisky couple still continue to live together, but are keen to marry. Eventually they tie the knot and become a Mr and Mrs. Now they are not fornicators any longer. They have done the honourable thing and become man and wife. No more “living in sin”, their lives are back in harmony with even JW demands and criteria for sex partners. They are sinning no more!
So, at this point, as the rings and wedding vows are exchanged, should this couple not be immediately accepted back into the congregation? Have they not put right that “which is wrong”? What earthly reason remains for them to continue on as disfellowshipped people?
Someone please tell me that our couple would not have to spend a year sitting at the back of the KH being ignored. They have put their lives in order totally, the sinning is stopped, what would be the point of continuing to shun when there is no further righting of wrongdoing to be done?
Hey! Now you are an outie, you can dance too!