I recently developed an interest in examining the origins of religion. So what I've gathered so far is this.
The human mind needs to create an explanation and meaning. The brain creates problems which leads to brain pain.
The mind creates a god (this ameliorates brain pain)
The tribe creates a mythology of this god that creates the religion
The god that now directs the tribe takes out the brain pain of uncertainty and decision making
This mental god is given a moral code of laws to be followed music and rituals evolve that creates a mystical experience.
Guilt becomes the currency of enforcement of the religion
The religion takes on the social control of population, food supplies, behaviors, etc.
This belief in this particular god is a form of insurance for survival
The religion
All other gods of other tribes are the false gods and the tribe's god is reason to commit genocide of other tribes
As the tribe grows and becomes more complex in it's governance hierarchies have to be created. The top monarch places himself at the top of the religion.
The leader uses this evolved religion to control the nation that is evolving
The hierarchy of priests now being to control and monopolize the trance states the individuals used to have in their own direct connection to god.
The priests now become the direct intercessors for the people to their god
The priests now take on the control on authority of the god/church to attack any person or groups that threaten their position
The politicos now become advocates to crusaders for the religion.
You can not update religion because you undo the whole DNA of power and society
Religion was imported to the U.S. by groups fleeing the persecution of the then monopolistic religions.
These evangelicals all shared the end times theology
Many of these groups became secularized and the fervor of their theology became more moderate
Modern Christianity in American had its start right after the passage of the new deal.
Corporate America saw it as a threat to their profits and power so they funded and seeded ministers of anti government self determination propaganda.
This gave rise to the political power to elect Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and Bushes.
The moral majority thought it had struck gold with Reagan except Reagan only used the moral majority for his political advantage. In the end Jerry Falwell stopped his political crusade feeling used.
Today we find ourselves with hybrid groups and primitive ideologies all fighting for power, money, and control.
Basically tribes on steroids. That's my take on history of religion.