Will the Watchtower get its Egypt moment?

by truthseeker 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    The rise of the Conscious Class is unmistakable but what will it take for an uprising against the Watchtower to remove its leadership and petition for change?


    1 - Immediate removal of all Governing Body members

    2 - Trial of all remaining members of the Governing Body for crimes against humanity due to the blood issue

    3 - Trial of all those who participated in and encouraged the development of the blood doctrine which has claimed the lives of thousands of Witnesses

    4- Trial of all those who participated in the obstruction of justice for those affected by child abuse and spouse abuse

    4 - A global class action lawsuit against the Watchtower for Monetary Compensation for all those who are or have been Jehovah's Witnesses

    5 - A thorough investigation of the Watchtower's money trail, accounting and finances

    6 - Restorative justice for all those who were wrongfully disfellowshipped

    7- An unequivocal apology for their false doctrines, teachings and prophecies

    Feel free to add your own terms

  • LostGeneration

    3 - Trial of all those who participated in and encouraged the blood doctrine which has claimed the lives of thousands of Witnesses

    This would include everyone who ever served as an elder. Many on this board would be guily as charged. (Myself included)

    Unfornately your terms will never be met. Most here would be happy if the GB took the money and ran off to the South pacific. At least there would be a huge splintering and a lot of the shunning would stop.

  • truthseeker

    Good point, thank you.

    I changed it to reflect those who developed the doctrine.

  • nicolaou
    Trial of all those who participated in and encouraged the development of the blood doctrine which has claimed the lives of thousands of Witnesses

    Couldn't it be argued that most of us here did that by spreading Watchtower doctrines door-to-door?

  • truthseeker


    No, I meant those who developed the blood doctrine - the rank and file are not to blame for disseminating literature.

  • TD

    I think a uprising in North Korea would be more likely than an "Egypt moment" within JW's

    And to put that into perspective, when Kim Il Sung died, there were people who literally wept until they died themselves.

  • bigmouth

    Most here would be happy if the GB took the money and ran off to the South pacific. - LG

    Don't send us your ne'er-do-wells and malcontents ! The money however.............

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