The rise of the Conscious Class is unmistakable but what will it take for an uprising against the Watchtower to remove its leadership and petition for change?
1 - Immediate removal of all Governing Body members
2 - Trial of all remaining members of the Governing Body for crimes against humanity due to the blood issue
3 - Trial of all those who participated in and encouraged the development of the blood doctrine which has claimed the lives of thousands of Witnesses
4- Trial of all those who participated in the obstruction of justice for those affected by child abuse and spouse abuse
4 - A global class action lawsuit against the Watchtower for Monetary Compensation for all those who are or have been Jehovah's Witnesses
5 - A thorough investigation of the Watchtower's money trail, accounting and finances
6 - Restorative justice for all those who were wrongfully disfellowshipped
7- An unequivocal apology for their false doctrines, teachings and prophecies
Feel free to add your own terms