i happened to access my old email address today. Amongst the many spams etc was a email from a old jw freind i used to know when i was in. This was a nice freind to me, right up until she got herself a boyfreind and then just didn't want to know, in fact i hadn't heard from her since. Didn't even get an invite to the wedding!
I looked her up on facebook ( yes shes on facebook) and yes there she is getting happily married in classic JW style at a really crappy comunity hall! All the other people i used to know in that time are her facebook freinds ( yes they are all on facebook). It was creepy and quiet distrubing to "see" them all again.
Now apart from going awol on me this was a nice person and we were good freinds. But if i got back in touch with her it would mean an end to my sucessful fade completly. And call me a cynic but i can't help but wonder if the reason also might be because i now live in a popular holiday destination. I've already had several JW's contact me via my old email asking if i could put them up etc.
My old freind is not the kind of JW whose CD could be broken, shes extremly stupid ( sorry but she is its true) and i don't think i could be in touch with her without starting to tell her what i now know about the JW's. She on the other hand would be asking " Whats your congregation like?", " whats the minisrty like over there?" , "have you met any nice brothers?" etc etc you know the rules...
Please don't think i'm being horrible calling this woman stupid, but she was, in conversation you could not make a statement to her with having to go back and explain it, at least twice before she finaly finaly got it!!