Favorite products?

by mamalove 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • mamalove

    I was reading the Yahoo article featured today on products that are ingenious, and people just cannot live without. I am curious what things you always keep in your house that are irreplacably handy or useful. What interesting ways would you use them that normally may not be the application it was designed for?

    I like to have Lestiol in the house. It is a liquid soap with excellent degreasing capabilities. You can use it on laundry for getting out melted lipstick from the dryer, oil on the driveway, messy pots and pans, etc.

    Mr. Clean sponges get prints off of moldings, door handles, and clean off just about anything that soap and water can't.

    I must have spring cleaning on the brain, because I am thinking of starting a thread about home organization too!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Well, aside from my trusty vibrator, of course :wink:

    I just love all of my kitchen appliances, specifically the food processor, mixer, rotating waffle iron, and set of Paula Dean knives.

    Just made clam chowder, and let me tell you, nothing but nothing beats a set of good sharp knives.

    Oh, and those super thin plastic cutting boards are so easy to wash in the sink with the rest of the dishes.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear mamalove:

    Thank you for asking!

    IVORY soap - 99 and 44/100 % pure ...

    For you, dear lady, the thread below. I hope you like my foray into eccentric homecare (I was once a fanatical neat-nik):


  • jamiebowers

    Tuff Stuff is a car upholstery cleaner, but it works on stains anywhere...$3 a can at the dollar store.

    L.R. Watkins Petro Carbo Salve is for extremely dry skin and minor cuts, and it heals the cuts that come from dry skin on the feet overnight...$6 a tin online.

    Benson's Table Tasty is a salt substitute with no sodium of any kind...$24.95 per pound plus $8.95 shipping online and worth every penny!


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