So Sad

by mamamo 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • mamamo

    After my JW father passed away a few weeks ago, I decided to track down my cousins who had also left as they came of age. I found them, thanks Facebook. Yesterday, I drove 1.5 hours to meet with one of them. We had a nice lunch and some shopping. I did mention I was going to my mother's (still JW) in a couple of weeks to help her clean out my dad's shed. Maybe my cousins could come with me? and see some of he family. They thought it sounded like a good idea and I should have just shown up with them. But no, I had to call my sister (pioneer JW) and see what she said. Today, when I called my mom about all she said is you know they are both DF, don't you? I said it didn't matter to me at all. But it looks like we won't be having that mini family reunion. So sad. But I am going to continue to see them andvisit with them.

  • Lozhasleft

    You're right it is so sad....your family is in the JW cult mode so they dont see the value of family...shame...but thankfully you do and can continue to enjoy them...

    Loz x

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    That is very sad and it makes me mad, too.

  • factfinder

    @mamamo- Please accept my condolences over your Dad's death. Both of my parents died and I wish I could see them .

    That is a shame jw beliefs don't even allow your family to get together.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    My sympathies on the passing of your father and many sympathies for the attitude of your JW mom and sister.


    Reopened Mind

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I've had a similar experience.

    I found a cousin (exJW) and her family and have had a wonderful time catching up with them, but my stanch JW relatives want nothing to do with them.

    It's sad, but at least you have the fun of enjoying your cousins' friendship.

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