I recently read 'Hostage to the devil'. The 1st book that gave me nightmares in decades. Very spooky. Anyone ever read that one?
Ever read 'the exorcist' or any book of that type?
by TTWSYF 9 Replies latest social current
I read I Amytyville Horror when I was 13, (in the 70's) and because it was being marketed as a true story, it scared the snot out of me. One night, I turned out my light after reading it, and my white cat pushed open my closet door--real slow, and I sat straight up unable to scream. Then she jumped on my bed and I screamed and screamed like never before. I'm still truamatized!
Before I was a JW I was a huge Stephen King and John Saul fan. They both creeped me out but good. Since leaving, I haven't read too much paranormal stuff, but I've been busy reading lots of other stuff.
I read the Exorcist long before I saw the movie. I didn't find it scary. Nor did I find the movie scary. It was all too hokey.
One of my mother's friends had a book about out of body experiences. She said I could try to read it, but no one could finish it because it was a frightening book. She was right, it scared me and I gave it back to her. The book was not fiction. It made you worry that one time you'd fall asleep, astral project and then while you were out, somehow the silver chord that connects soul to body would break and your body would die.
That's demonistic. We shouldn't read that. Demons are bad. Mmmmmkay.
It made you worry that one time you'd fall asleep, astral project and then while you were out, somehow the silver chord that connects soul to body would break and your body would die.
This is off topic, but FHN's comment reminded me of an Alice Cooper song--from his Alice Cooper Goes To Hell album, so maybe not so much off topic! LOL
Wake Me Gently
I was scared to death
Afraid to close my eyes
And find that I was gone
Like every other one
Who left before the dawn
I vanished in the air
Am I still thereAnd in my sleep
I look so lifeless on this bed
Laid out on satin sheets
This dream's a novel
That I don't dare complete
No happy ending read
I think the hero's deadAnd if I can't wake up
Will I be all alone
A stranded orphan here
Or will I bump into
Some other wandering soul
And will talk to me
Somebody, somebody please rescue meWake me gently
If you can
Wake me gently
Just touch my hand
Wake me gently
Pull my sleeve
'Cuz where I'm at
Is where I wanna leave -
Joey Jo-Jo
American psycho, awesome book, not exactly horror but it will make feel sick, up there with the OT.
I just mentioned on another thread:
"The House of Doctor Dee" by Peter Ackroyd. (John Dee was astrologer to Elizabeth I, and a necromancer)
I was walking past a second hand bookstore, and in the window was a copy, with a label on it: "NOT TO BE RETURNED"
That piqued my interest so I went in and bought it. The whole time i read that book I was so edgy I had to keep looking behind me. I thought I saw things scuttling past in the corner of my eye. Even after I finished it, I felt as if it was watching me from the bookshelf. I got so obsessed I threw it out.
A couple of weeks later I was putting away the laundry. I opened the underwear drawer, and it was lying there.
I ripped it up and set fire to the shreds. Creepiest thing that ever happened to me.
fyi = Malachi Martin wrote 'hostage to the devil'.
Hamsterbait, your book [the house of Dr. Dee] sounds quite spooky too.
I don't like books or movies that are very violent. There are some violent scenes in that movie and book. That's my issue with it. I watched Silence of the Lambs and it really bothered me too.
New Chapter: love Alice Cooper. Love It To Death is my favorite LP from him. I read Out of Body Experiences the summer I was 16. I didn't get messed up with JW's until I was getting close to 18. I read The Exorcist when I was 14. I saw the movie when I was JW, as an adult.