You think you are no longer being brainwashed and propagandized?
by Night Owl 9 Replies latest jw friends
Meeting Junkie No More
Spot on!
They can't even get the effing weather right...why bother? Haven't watched TV news in years.
Very sad.
cult classic
Thanks for the link NightOwl
There's a book "Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television" , by Jerry Mander that you might find interesting. Although the focus is on television, the arguments can be applied to other media outlets.
Meeting Junkie No More
Creepy - thanks for the link
Night Owl
Night Owl
Nope. I haven't believed what the media says for many years.
It's easy to see the propaganda if you refuse to be gullible. Subscriptions to Adbusters, Mother Jones, Ms. and similar truth-telling journals really helps, too (or if you can't afford it, an account at the library will suffice).
Aussie Oz
Television... have not seen it for over a year. The box sits unused taking up valuable CD space. Really should kick it to the curb...
I have long realized shows, movies and whatever on TV are merely vehicles to show adds. The reality is if they show enough 'entertainment', people will also sit through the neccisary addds that keep the network profits rising.
As for the actual news?...
Ever watched the film arlington road?
It will change how you perceive the news media too.