Being a non-JW, I have a logistical question about the TMS. Does everyone enrolled have to do one of those play-acting demo skits where someone plays the HH and the other plays the JW? Or, can some enrollees choose never to do them? I was wondering how the schedule fills up for the year. Do the elders assign everyone a date when they are expected to do the assigned skit, or do people fill up the schedule voluntarily? When does the schedule get established? At the beginning of the year? I'm asking all this b/c I want to find out if/when my JW friend might be doing one of those skits. I'll probably ask her, but I wanted to find out the background on the logistics first.
TMS Logistical Question: Does everyone have to do a skit at some point?
by InterestedOne 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes. all JW's must be in the Ministry School and give a demonstration of some type. The elder in charge of the "school" will assign you a part. The sisters usually do the role playing ones. I used to hate these. I eventually got out of it by feining severe mental anxiety Works like a charm..... Lilly