New Watchtower article says don't have internet in your home..

by foolsparadise 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • foolsparadise

    The only thing they are worried about is people stumbling across apostate websites....they could care less about porn! They have to address the issue of pornography because they wont dare say the real reason...then peoples curiosity would be peaked and theyd go looking up information on the organization only to discover that they have been lied to and no on lives forever..

    The sad thing is the rank and file members who cant think for themselves will then start looking at their mates in a judgmental way wondering if they are secretly involved in pornography..probably will result in divorces. What a tangled web an imperfect group of men weave. Gross if you ask me..

  • VampireDCLXV
  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Why can't they trust Witnesses not to go to porn or apostate sites? I thought Jehovah gave us free will to resist temptations. Their faith in God must be very weak. I haven't visited a single conservative, right wing site on the Web. My values are clear. I suppose Witnesses are inferior creatures, much like children, and need a blockade like children are blocked.

    I have a similar reaction to abortion. Rather than worry about abortion law, why don't the Catholic Church and fundies teach their women abortion is wrong. No one forces anyone to undergo abortion in the States. They use to impose controls they cannot impose on their members.

    Cult. Cult. Cult. Cult. Cult. Cult. Cult.

  • WTWizard

    As I posted earlier, there are only three circumstances where it is better to not even have Internet access. First, the really old person that would only be frustrated trying to get on, and not able to enjoy it or benefit much from it once online. Second, the person that cannot afford basic bare necessities. (Internet is going to do zero good if you don't have electricity.) Third, the person that is truly addicted to the Internet, and will spend 20 hours or more a day online and let other necessary activities slide (like work and sleep). If you fit one of those categories, you are probably better off without.

    However, for everyone else, if you are going to benefit more than it is going to cost you, you should have access to Internet. Porn or no porn. I occasionally view porn, but always on my terms. I rarely stumble on porn while browsing other subjects--whether religion, the way this country is going, medical scams, or Pokemon videos. You have to want to access porn--most reputable sites will have a button "Warning--Adult Content" and you have to click onto that button to view the adult material. Some of them even make you join--often at a cost--to view any adult material. Hardly anything you are going to stumble on without specifically searching for it.

  • LongHairGal


    Pornography? Nah. They couldn't care less about REAL pornography. I don't think they could care less if the congregation was filled with serial masturbators - as long as they wear a suit and look good on the outside and go out in service.

    The only thing the religion cares about is that the rank and file JWs do not lay their EYES on sites like this one and any other ex-JW site and learn all the dirt on the religion. Bottom line, they don't want you to find out.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Why don't they just admit defeat. Technology kicked their butt. For one thing you don't even need a computer to get on the internet. You can do it from your cell phone. People now use it to do their banking, buy stocks, pay bills, get sports updates. I guess there will be some that listen to their paranoid advice but most won't. And then one day when they decide to look up Jehovah's Witnesses the Watchtower's worst nightmare will come true.

  • agonus

    maybe they should follow their own advice and take down their website

  • DaCheech

    my only contribution to the other thread was that the kh (made of people contributions) are paying for the overseers internet/cable............. they have the nice package too with high speed (verizon fios)

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