I forgot his name. He forgot the scripture, the good news must be preached in ALL(not most of the)inhabited earth before the end will come.
What is the name of the brother that said some countries might never receive the good news?
by Iamallcool 2 Replies latest jw friends
I remember arguing exactly that point, about what Jesus said, which seemed pretty unequivocal to me at the time, when aWT came out, 20 years ago ??? and likened Jesus' statement about his disciples not completing the circuit of the towns of Judea before his return, to the modern situation and it said that not all countries may get aWitness before the "End".
If you are going to say both statements are prophecies for our day as the WT do,the two being diametrically opposed, you have to use the reasoning : "What Jesus EVIDENTLY meant was................." followed by some illogical B.S
What a bunch of pathetic jokers they are !
I don't remember them ever saying that EVERY country doesn't need to be preached at, but I remember them saying that every individual did not need to hear. It confused me, because the penalty for not responding was death....so how fair is it that everyone won't at least have a chance? Some tried to say that Jehovah reads hearts, but that didn't stand with the argument that the angels were watching. Afterall, isn't this entire theatrical production for them? Otherwise, Jehovah could just read EVERYONE"s heart and end this mess. Geez--they can "reason" themselves out of anything