Aqua Chi Machine.....

by Snoozy 9 Replies latest social physical

  • Snoozy

    A friend has been talking to me about a machine called the Aqua Chi. Has anyone ever used one before? It looks like a glorified foot bath spa..


    She is recommending it for my daughter that has Lyme disease..she wants to let my daughter use hers not buy one..(They are expensive)


    (Some of their comments/claims)

    As we have been leading up to, the Aqua-Chi treatment involves both water and energy. This is how we derived the term Aqua-Chi, Aqua meaning water and Chi meaning energy or life force. The body has both a physical component and an energy component. The Aqua-Chi treatment acts on the energy component which in turn effects the physical. The treatment utilizes water, because water can carry and transfer the life force energy we need on a daily basis. When we are low on energy, the Aqua-Chi treatment can assist the body by giving it a useable energy boost.

    The Aqua-Chi treatment is dependent on two parts:

    1. An electrical input to stimulate the water.
    2. The water that is used.

    The electrical stimulus causes the water to become excited and produce the energy that your body absorbs and uses, providing we use a reasonable quality water. Remember we don't use distilled water, or water that has been processed by reverse osmosis.

    The effect of stimulating the water to produce energy starts the moment the stimulus is turned on. Because the water is where the energy is, the person seeking the treatment enters the water. Whether it be their whole body or just a part of their body, the energy will flow from the water to the body.

    What is the significance of each color?

    Believe it or not, it is important to eat a variety of colorful foods in order to assure balanced chemistry. Every color is a chemical and has a chemical value. Chemical components of foods contribute to their acid-alkaline balance.

    As a general rule, Green Foods nourish the immune system, especially the liver and gall bladder. Red Foods nourish the endocrine system, including the pituitary gland, as well as the heart and small intestines. Orange Foods nourish the joints. Yellow Foods nourish the digestive system, including the spleen, stomach, and pancreas. Yellow-green foods nourish the kidney, bladder, urinary tract, female/prostrate area.

    Brown Foods nourish the liver. White Foods nourish the respiratory system, namely the lungs, but also the large intestines, lymphatic system and skin. Black Foods nourish the circulatory system, kidneys, liver, gallbladder and bladder. White foam indicates mucous from lymph. White cheese like particles indicates probable yeast. Black flecks indicate heavy metals. Red flecks indicate blood clot material.

    By the same token, when the water is changing colors, each color represents the part of the body that is being detoxified. One of the most visual effects is the discoloration of the water, but while the color changes in the water can be dramatic, it is not the most important factor and one must be careful about making any judgment's based only on the water color.

    The Aqua Chi is energy medicine, and we believe that we see the most benefit and detox when the body is better balanced and charged, the body will be better able to detoxify through its regular channels of detoxification. (such as the kidneys, colon, liver).

    © 2007 New Life Wellness

    426 8th Street SE Washington DC 20003

  • Botzwana

    I did research on it before I almost bought one. It's a scam. Toxins do NOT come out of your feet! Google it.

  • Snoozy

    Thank you Botzwana,I just did. I have looked at some sites but didn't immediately see any about it being a scam. I will definately look further. That is my first instinct also..(It's a scam)

    I remember when the little magnets came out that you put in your socks and it was supposed to draw toxins out of your feet and also the little pads you put on your souls of your feet that looked like big bandaids..that was supposed to turn brown with your toxins..(I have to admit my grandson and I tried them to see if they did turn color )

    They actually did a show on scams one time and showed the feet pads and explained how they worked to turn hubby and his mom swore by stuff like that....Most JW's I knew would always fall for those things..I wonder why?

    Anyway, would like to hear any other comments from a user or just on the machine itself..and will look for some articles showing it is a scam..


  • Satanus

    Check out qi gong. It does what that thing claims to. I got rid of my ear aches w it.


  • Snoozy

    qi gong..looks interesting...

    I thought it was going to be a joke...


  • Scooby-Doo

    I remember something similar about a year ago. There was this healing spa saying that their machine, similar to that one, would extract fat cells from your feet. Turns out it was just a chemical reaction to whatever they put in the water.

    We laughed about it in biology class because fat cells can't be expelled through your skin.

    I think that Botzwana is on the right track. If somebody claims that their machine will do something, then google to see if it's physically possible.

  • Satanus

    No, no joke. It is used seriously in some places, like china to cure serious ills. There are MANY kinds of it. If you get into it, it's important to find one that has the right combination of exercises. One kind that i hear is supposed to be good and is used by someone on this board is called spring forest qi gong. Good luck.


  • Botzwana

    This is one saying it's crap....

    This is one supporting it....

    Guess it depends on who you believe...

  • Snoozy

    Bot..I tend to be a skeptic...except I am a firm believer in excercise....all forms..


  • Snoozy

    I did want to point out that she said when her hubby did it the water barely turned a different color..when she did it the water was almost brown..



    ps..Course when my 18 year old grandson and I tried the magnetic pads on our feet mine also turned darker than his..go figure..maybe it depends on how much you sweat?

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