Territory coverage in NYC -- every two weeks?

by FatFreek 2005 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Some 55 years ago when I was thinking of going to Bethel one of our locals came home on furlough and shared with me much about living there and witnessing there. He told me that JWs are so dense in population that you'll call on the same residence every two weeks. I didn't like that idea. Maybe that's one of the things that turned me off. Just maybe he was pulling my leg -- what do you think?

    How is territory coverage in the various boroughs nowadays?


  • smiddy

    In the 70`s -80`s at a cong.I was in we would sometimes be doing the same terrtory that was covered a couple of weeks b4,the elders would say oh yes but that was with magazine placements,this time wer`e doing the book offer,as if that made a difference to the householder,we wer`e still told to piss off you were only here last week.

    Where I am now I never see anyone out in fs anymore ,I think twice in two years and I live in a small town with it`s own kh.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    In Australia it used to be every 6 months in the 90s.

    These days you rarely see them.

  • wobble

    Here in Mid-Kent, England the Congo. in whose territory I live has a vast rural area (by English standards, a back yard by American standards).

    When I left in early 2008 they were getting round every six weeks, I haven't seen anybody for many months months, it is definately dripping off, the simple door knocking.

    I think more and more of them are finding ways of counting time doing other things than knocking on homes where no-one is in. Can't blame them.

  • blondie

    I would think with the downsizing of the NYC Bethel, the moving of the printing work to Wallkill and Canada might have an impact. I've been wondering how many elders/MS there are to run these congregations and how many have had to be dissolved or combined?

  • WTWizard

    I heard stories that it was every week during parts of the late 1980s. And I heard from the yearbook that there were isolated territories where each witless only had fewer than 5 houses to call on.

    These days, it is (hopefully) much rarer. And I do not think of the yearbook as a reliable source.

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