True Christian thiefs?

by punkofnice 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    We all know how the JW's bang on about : 'We're true Christians!'

    We'll here is my experience.

    On 2 of the occasions we invited JW's to stay at our home overnight and enjoy hospitality I had items stolen!

    The first was a music collection album that my zealous SIL took home with her.

    The 2nd was when I had £20.00 nicked out of my wallet by another of Mrs Punks relatives.

    Both of these blaggers claim to be 'true Christians'! One a Mini-sneerial Serpant!!

    Anybody else had stuff nicked by 'true Christian JW's?'

  • saltyoldlady

    Sorry you had those experiences Punkofnice - I can't recall that an exact thing such as you experienced ever happened to me BUT I was thinking about it the other day and began to count up all the con artists I have met and allowed myself to be taken advantage of over the years - came up with a dozen - DF'ing is nice for that reason - it clears the coast of these sap suckers.

    And another experience I had that was truly surprising to me - I am the sort of person who delights in sharing books, DVD's, CD's, etc. I found enjoyable - and at the time of DA'ing I had 1 book and about 3 DVD's out on loan with three different individuals - all of whom I had counted as special friends for many years. Not even one of them found it in their heart to return my borrowed material. They wouldn't have had to speak with me - they could have just silently laid it at my doorstep as it is well protected and out of sight of the general traffic. These things cost money and I was amazed no one considered it the decent thing to do to return my material. Not even one of them. Guess they figure when you are cast out you are "literally" dead and buried. LOL.

  • saltyoldlady

    Miracle of miracles - since writing the above one of those three just returned two of my DVD's that had been out on loan with him for over a year last evening - and besides that stayed and visited with me til midnight - truly surprised and amazed I am doing well spiritually and happy - of course I believe his main agenda was to plead with me to come back to the WTS but he was gracious about it - not dogmatic - just asking me to rethink my position - and when I told him I am SURE of my own personal decision he did tell me I am stubborn - very true that is - I admit it. But it was amazing to me he was able to admit not all was perfect in the current WT environment and he was also sure Jehovah not happy with the org at the moment - he just thought I should extend more mercy and grace to them for their errors. Of course what he classes as "tiny" errors are big to me - a difference in vantage point. But it was nice to renew an old friendship I much treasured over the years and a major surprise because I have often gone to Jehovah in prayer about the sadness of losing those friends and now He enabled one of them to relax on the "shunning" order - to think for himself.

  • punkofnice

    It's ironic. I haven't stolen a thing from anyone and yet those two thieves now view me as a 'mentally diseased apostate' TM now!

    Well, what did I expect?

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