One reason why not the true religion

by chukky 594 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • chukky 594
    chukky 594


    If you had to convince a prospective JW why this religion is NOT the true religion, and you could only use ONE REASON to persuade them, what would it be?


  • punkofnice

    JW's claim to be Christian and claim to shun the occult and yet their core teaching of 1914 was soley based on CT Russell's Astrology and Pyramidology.

    This teaching of 1914 is still held to to this day and yet it's occult roots are not challenged because they are hidden (occult), to the rank and file.

    If the occult is from the Devil then so is 1914.

  • MrMonroe

    Jesus condemned the Pharisees for their legalistic approach to religion with their endless application of arbitrary interpretive rules and the condemnation of those who failed to meet their standards.

    Today the JWs operate their religion in exactly the same way, forcing Christians to first gain the approval of the "organisation" (found nowhere in the New Testament) before they can gain the approval of God and Christ. They have endless arbitrary rules and expectations, utterly contradicting the pure, loving and inclusive form of worship Jesus taught.

  • Listener

    They identify themselves as the one and only true religion where the GB is the only mediator between man and the heavenly kingdom and no-one else can worship God by any other way.

  • slimboyfat

    I find this actually not as easy a question to answer as it sounds. I have given it some thought and have come to the conclusion that the best and most authentic answer is simply that I do not like the Jehovah's Witness religion. It does not suit me. And what I especially dislike is the thought control, the anti-education agenda, and the insistence of the governing body that people must obey them. They display little wisdom to merit the grand claims they make for themselves.

  • wobble

    If it is the true religion it will tell the truth, not lies.

    They claim that Jesus chose them, over and above all other religions, in 1919.

    If so, there must have been one thing that they taught as truth then, that they still teach today, because it was and is, truth, that persuaded Jesus to choose them, What was that teaching ?

    If they cannot answer, the 1919 claim is a lie.

    Which makes it a religion founded on a lie, sustained by a lie, not true at all !

  • nugget

    The bible states in Proverbs that god hates liars and we are also told that satan is father of the lie. If these statements are true than any organisation that tells an untruth to the congregation cannot represent god.

    In the organisation publishers lie about hours and placements and some lead double lives, Elders lie about what goes on in their lives and cover over their short comings to impress the CO, they also lie to other elders regarding their actions and motives, the society lies every time it misquotes from an academic source and is not honest about it's history or dealings. The society lied about shares held in weapons companies and why it joined the UN as an NGO and since they never apologised for this affiliation they lie about it still. It cannot be called the truth when honesty is so difficult to find. It is like whitewashed graves.

  • moshe

    Because, Mr-Mrs JW, you are not happy!

    (JW says, "Oh yes I am")

    You need to stop lying- you just gave me another reason as to, why you don't have the true religion.

  • factfinder

    @wobble- they still believe Jehovah is the only true God, and that Jesus is his son-our redeemer.

    But yes, truth remains true. Most of what was taught in 1919 has been discarded by new light from Jehovah. Why? Did'nt Jehovah give them the truth in 1919? I asked my brother why it was ok for jws to celebrate birthdays and Christmas back then like the other religions did. Jesus approved of them even while they were doing that, right? So why is it not ok now? Oh, yea,
    "Foolish questionings" and Jehovah gave them new understanding to clarify matters as the years went on.

    @nugget- yes, elders DO lie!

  • Sayswho

    Because you cannot answer YES, to the question below...

    • Would Jehovah direct a religion to PROMOTE FALSEHOOD?


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