Jesus or Hesus?

by Band on the Run 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    This is a trivial concern but perhaps people here know the answer. Northern European countries never named their children Jesus. It would be considered gauche and heretical. Yet Latinos regularly use Jesus as a Christian name. Does anyone know why?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Look at the haircut.

    Clearly it's Shesus.

  • VampireDCLXV

    We have a hay-zoos right here on JWN...


  • villabolo

    Band on the Run: "Yet Latinos regularly use Jesus as a Christian name. Does anyone know why?"

    I'm Latino and yet I don't have a clue. In my experience it doesn't seem Cubans have that habit but Mexicans do.

    In any case, the name was not unique in Israel. It is the English version of Yeshua (in Hebrew) or Joshua (A direct translation from Yeshua).


  • bnybyt

    Correctamente Villabolo,

    Jesus and Joshua are the same name in Hebrew.

    They both mean Jehovah is Salvation.

    In Spanish naming someone Jesus is like naming someone Joshua in English. Another spelling is Josue in Spanish.

    It's kind of perplexing for English folks to see someone named Jesus, but that's because they might not know the etymology of the word, the changes throughout the centuries, and through cultures, that it's been passed down to modern languages.

    As a matter of fact there's all kinds of names that when you look at their etymology it may surprise you.

    Look at Santiago, Yago, Diego, Jacobo, Jaime all of them can mean James, in English, which in turn comes from Jacob through French.


  • cyberjesus

    Did someone called?

    I used to go by He-sus but now that i am atheist I proudly go by Jesus.... Do you have any problem with that?

  • dgp

    How do you know Jesus was a Puerto Rican?

    His name was Jesus.

    He couldn't get a fair trial.

    He was always in trouble with the Police.

    Call me pedantic if you want but Latins such as the French, the Portuguese, the Italian and the Romanian don't seem to call their children Jesus, or whatever variation of the name they may have.

    The obvious answer is that people of Spanish descent, which usually means Catholics, don't feel giving their children that name is heretical or disrespectful or whatever. Also, if you have read "One hundred years of solitude" you will find that children are often named after their parents. So if father was called Jesus a thousand years ago, chances are you will have that name by now.

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