Dear God,
I am writing this letter to let you know tonight my Cat died. Now I know in the grand scheme of things this is not a big deal. The life of one little creature does not seem like much, and really maybe it isnt, but I had him for almost ten years and had grown quite fond of him. He will be missed. Strangley though, as thoughts will do, I started thinking about life and how fleeting and vain it really is. And if it is vain, who's fault is it? Adams? Eves? No. I think it is your fault. I think you are the reason we suffer and live miserable lives and then die. You say you love us, but where is the love? You gave your son so that we might live? 2000 years later the only thing we have to show for it is a front row seat to this circus of misery we call life...thanks. I watched my father in law die clawing at the air with his last breath trying to hang on to life. A life he gave to you! More than five decades he spent telling people about you. You (yes you) told him he would not die before the end came and yet this man, this 6' 2" man who spent his life working hard and raising his family and trying to do all you expected of him spent his last hours lying in a bed clothed in nothing but a diaper wondering why you had not fulfilled your promise. This begs another question: How many bilions of others have died like him? How many billions more? I am begining to think this is some cosmic joke. Or maybe it's just an experiment and we are all just a bunch of ants under a magnifying glass. What do you think? You wish to clear you name, I understand. But how long do you wish to take? We were told that you had to do this so the angels would not think Satan was right. But now those same angels must be wondering what the hold up is. I mean really after 6000 years and more you have to have cleared your name by now right? Oh well enough rambling I know you are busy. I eargly await your response,
Pyramid Scheme
RIP "Butthead" October 2001 - March 6, 2011