Hello there IsaacAustin

by wasblind 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    Where have you been, we wondered where you were so glad to see you post

  • Heaven

    ISAAC! Where have you been? We've missed you!

  • isaacaustin

    Hey guys...sorry been superbusy, hectic...lots going on in my life. Been a rough few months. Sorry I haven't been around much. How are you guys?

  • wasblind

    we are fine , we just missed you, another poster ask about you last week .

    Good mornin' Heaven

  • isaacaustin
  • Heaven

    Good mornin' wasblind . Thanks for posting this .

    Isaac... sorry to hear you've had a few rough months. So glad to see you back here. I was asking if anyone knew what was up as I had noticed you hadn't been on JWN for a while.

    I'm doing ok, thank you for asking. My Father was diagnosed with dementia and is now living with me so life is hectic for me now as well. I think I'm getting a new job soon so that may mean I will be way busier at work.

  • isaacaustin

    Sorry to hear about that Heaven. I will have to send you and Wasblind a PM. A few things have happened these past several months.

  • wasblind

    Ok Isaac,

    Heaven, sorry to hear about your dad

    and congrats on your new job

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