Any one here ever experience a torn achilles tendon

by troubled mind 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Husband woke up this weekend in pain with soreness right above the heel on his foot . By Sunday he was in so much pain he could hardly walk . Monday his Doctor said it looks like an old injury because there is calcification around the area ,and that most likely the tendon had been torn before and might be on the verge of rupturing completely . Went to xray and waiting to hear what is next ,MRI is my guess then surgery

    Have any of you had surgery to repair an Achilles tendon ? If so what can we expect ?

  • Snoozy

    I had surgery to correct some torn ligaments in my knee, may not be the same. But it was a mini surgery where they just make little puncture holes to operate. The shaved the frazzled torn ligament and scaped some calcification off the pain after and felt great after that. All my pain went away..remarkable..

    I was able to walk on it right away but no steps for a few days and no driving. May be different for a ankle area..


  • Snoozy

    Well I did some reading and it sounds a lot more intense than my knee. They mention casting either with or without surgery for up to 6 months.

    I saw a picture of one and it looks like there is a swollen area right above the heel.

    Surgery I think was Micro but sounded more involved than mine being it was a muscle involving the calf of the leg..I can imagine the pain he must have been in..I would recommend getting it fixed as soon as possible. I know how bad a charley horse can be, hubby used to wake up screaming and holding his leg with them. He couldn't put his foot down to walk because the pain was so intense! his scream used to make me jump straight up out of bed while I was still half asleep!


    ps ..let us know what happens..

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Husband had a torn knee ligament last year ,but the flap that was torn flipped back in place on it's own and he avoided surgery . This is much worse I fear . I have seen on the medical websites that the recovery may include a cast and six to eight weeks of healing .

    I just wanted to hear from someone that may have gone through it to know if recovery is that long .

    Glad to hear your surgery of the knee went well ,Snoozy . We are getting to the age stuff is wearing out !

  • LV101

    the individual i knew had a torn achilles tendon many yrs. ago and his orthopedic doc told him to let it heal (no surgery) and to WEAR A COWBOY BOOT which stabilized the leg, ankle, etc. and that a cowboy boot was the best thing he could ever do for this. i don't know -- he did wear cowboy boots (this was when country wasn't cool) and seems it improved/healed and he wasn't limping around anymore. they know so much more today. this person was an ex-football player (college) and great all around athlete and the doc worked w/many jocks but, like i say, it was long ago (mid 70's) and dark ages compared to now. my friend's husband suffered same and seems he was having a long healing time and when out of cast still experiencing discomfort and i told her about the boot story.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Hmmm cowboy boot may be a good idea . Keeps it stable and looks better than those orthopedic boots ! If it completely tears /ruptures he will have no choice but surgery .

    My husband runs and referees High School football . He is hoping surgery will repair it so he can return to doing what he loves .

  • Snoozy

    Just to let you know my knee injury was from a bad fall I had when taking care of hubby. I had to wait till he died to have it fixed. What do you mean my parts are wearing out?..

    I even have strong bones according to a bone density test I just had..

    ps..The cowboy boots sounds fun, might look a little wierd on a football field un;ess he wears a cowboy hat with it tho....


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